(A)   All meter installations shall be made in accordance with the borough’s typical residential water service entrance detail, as set out in Appendix A.
   (B)   Any connection to the public water system, or connection of any appliance to the public water system, shall be by a person properly qualified.
   (C)   Where the customer considers prevailing pressures to be higher than desirable, he or she may install at his or her own expense a pressure control valve after the backflow prevention assembly. Likewise, where the customer considers prevailing pressures to be lower than desirable, he or she may at his or her own expense install a pressure boosting system after the backflow prevention assembly. The customer shall be responsible for the proper installation and maintenance of pressure controls.
   (D)   Backflow prevention devices required by this subchapter shall be installed at a location and in a manner approved by the Borough Engineer or Code Official.
   (E)   Installation of backflow prevention device(s), booster pumps, or pressure reducing valves and thermal expansion tanks shall be at the expense of the property owner.
   (F)   (1)   All backflow prevention assemblies must be installed in a University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research (USCFCCHR) - approved or American Water Works Association (AWWA) - approved manner and in conformance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.
      (2)   Backflow preventers shall be located immediately downstream (on the customer side) of the water meter and before any connection to the service line and shall be easily accessible for maintenance, inspection and testing. The backflow prevention assembly must be installed in a horizontal alignment with the bottom of the backflow preventer at least 12 inches above the floor and at least 12 inches from any wall unless approved by the Borough Engineer prior to installation.
      (3)   Installation of backflow preventers in pits will only be allowed if no other type of installation is possible, and then only with approval of the borough.
   (G)   All connections to the water system, and the installation of all appliances and devices connected to the water system shall be in accordance with manufacturer instructions and applicable regulations.
(Ord. 2-2016, passed 4-11-2016)