(A) Backflow prevention devices required by this subchapter shall be installed at a location and in a manner approved by the Water Department and shall be installed by a person who is, in the opinion of the Water Department, properly qualified to perform such installations.
(B) Backflow prevention devices installed on the service connection to a consumer’s water system shall be located on the consumer’s side of the water meter, as shown on Public Improvements Requirements Manual, S-W-20, as close to the meter as is reasonably practical, and prior to any other connection. In the case of multi-family dwellings and multi-use buildings, such device shall be installed on each individual service to each dwelling unit and use.
(C) Pits or vaults shall be of water-tight construction approved by the Water Department, be so located and constructed as to prevent flooding and shall be maintained by the consumer free from standing water by means of either a sump and pump or a suitable drain. Such sump pump or drain shall not connect to a sanitary sewer nor permit flooding of the pit or vault by reverse flow from its point of discharge. An access ladder and adequate natural or artificial lighting shall be provided to permit maintenance inspection and testing of the backflow device.
(Ord. 5-1989, passed 8-14-1989)