1.   Exception to lot area requirement.
   a.   A lot/tract having less area than required that was an official lot of record at the time of adoption of this chapter may be used for a single-family dwelling.
   b.   No lot/tract existing at the time of passage of this chapter shall be reduced in area below the minimum requirements set forth in the respective district.
2.   Special front yard regulations.
   a.   The front yard setback shall be measured from the property line to the front face of the building, covered porch, covered terrace or attached accessory buildings.
   b.   Open and unenclosed terraces and porches may project into the required front yard for a distance not to exceed five feet, provided that no support structure for such extensions shall be located within the required front yard.
   c.   Every part of a required front yard shall be open and unobstructed from a point 30 inches above the general ground level of the graded lot to the sky. The requirements of this paragraph shall not apply, however, to living plant material and landscaping, lighting fixtures, flagpoles, mailboxes, basketball goal supports and similar structures, fountains or overhead service lines and poles for utilities, which shall be situated and constructed in accordance with the applicable codes of the city.
   d.   On any corner lot for which front and side yards are required, no wall, fence, structure, sign, tree or other planting or sloped terrace or embankment may be maintained higher than three feet above the street grade so as to cause danger or hazard to traffic by obstructing the view of the intersection from a point 30 feet back from the right-of-way corner. Visual clearance shall be provided in all zoning districts so that no fence, wall, vegetation, architectural screen, earth mounding or landscaping obstructs the vision of a motor vehicle driver approaching any street, alley or driveway intersection.
   e.   On corner lots, the front yard setback shall be observed along the frontage of both intersecting streets (unless shown specifically otherwise on an approved final plat).
   f.   Where a building line has been established by a plat approved by the City Council or by ordinance and such line requires a greater or lesser front yard setback than is prescribed by this chapter for the district in which the building line is located, the required front yard shall comply with the building line so established by such ordinance or plat provided no such building line shall be less than 20 feet, except as approved under a planned development.
   g.   Where the frontage on one side of a street between two intersecting streets is divided by two or more zoning districts, the front yard shall comply with the requirements of the most restrictive district for the entire frontage.
   h.   Where lots have double frontage, running through from one street to another, a required front yard shall be provided on both streets unless a building line for accessory buildings has been established along one frontage on the plat or by ordinance, in which event only one required front yard need be observed.
   i.   Where a future right-of-way line has been established for future widening or opening of a street or thoroughfare upon which a lot abuts, the front or side yard shall be measured from the future right-of-way line.
   j.   Accessory buildings or structures shall not be located in front of the main structure nor within the designated front yard of any lot or parcel.
3.   Special side yard regulations.
   a.   The ordinary extensions of window sills, awnings, belt courses, cornices, roof overhangs, eaves, chimneys and other architectural features may extend an additional 24 inches into a required yard.
   b.   When a nonresidentially zoned lot or tract abuts upon a zoning district boundary line dividing that lot or tract from a residentially zoned lot or tract, a minimum side yard of ten feet shall be provided on the nonresidential property. An opaque wood fence or masonry wall having a minimum height of six feet above the average grade of the residential property shall be constructed on nonresidential property adjacent to the common side or rear property line.
   c.   Accessory structures are required to have a five-foot side yard setback, except where the lot abuts a collector or major street in which case the standard provisions of this chapter prevail.
   d.   On any corner lot for which front and side yards are required, no wall, fence, structure, sign, tree or other planting or sloped terrace or embankment may be maintained higher than three feet above the street grade so as to cause danger or hazard to traffic by obstructing the view of the intersection from a point 30 feet back
from the right-of-way corner. Visual clearance shall be provided in all zoning districts so that no fence, wall, vegetation, architectural screen, earth mounding or landscaping obstructs the vision of a motor vehicle driver approaching any street, alley or driveway intersection.
   e.   Where a multi-family structure (apartment building) is erected so as to create inner courts, the faces of all opposite wails in such courts shall be a minimum distance of 30 feet apart and no balcony or canopy shall extend into such court area for a distance greater than five feet.
4.   Special rear yard regulations.
   a.   The required rear yard shall be open and unobstructed from a point 30 inches above the average elevation of the graded rear yard, except for accessory buildings as permitted herein.
   b.   Eaves, covered porches and roof extensions without structural support in the rear yard may extend into the rear yard a distance not to exceed four feet.
   c.   Accessory structures shall have a minimum rear yard setback of five feet. Structures attached to the main structure, such as garages and carports, are considered to be part of the main structure and are not considered to be accessory structures.
   d.   The minimum distance from the public right-of-way to the entrance of a garage or carport shall be 15 feet.
   e.   When a nonresidentially zoned lot or tract abuts upon a zoning district boundary line dividing that lot or tract from a residentially zoned lot or tract, a minimum rear yard of ten feet shall be provided on the nonresidential property. An opaque wood fence or masonry wall having a minimum height of six feet above the average grade of the residential property shall be constructed on nonresidential property adjacent to the common side or rear property line.
   f.   Where a multi-family structure (apartment building) is erected so as to create inner courts, the faces of all opposite walls in such courts shall be a minimum distance of 30 feet apart and no balcony or canopy shall extend into such court area for a distance greater than five feet.
5.   Special height regulations.
   a.   Church steeples, domes, spires, flagpoles, roof gables, chimneys and vent stacks may extend for an additional height not to exceed 15 feet from the maximum height limit of a structure to the highest point of any church steeple, dome, spire, flagpole, roof gable, chimney or vent stack.
   b.   Municipal water towers and sports lighting facilities, utility poles and utility towers shall be specifically exempted from the maximum height restrictions imposed by this chapter.
   c.   Water tanks, cooling towers, school, institutional buildings and ancillary buildings and facilities of a religious organization, such as a gymnasium or classroom building, may be erected to exceed 25 feet in height, provided that one additional foot shall be added to the front, rear and side yard setback requirements for each foot that such structures exceed 25 feet in height. Such structure shall not exceed 36 feet in height, except as provided in § 5.a above. The requirements established herein for additional setbacks shall not apply to the sanctuary building of a religious organization that is in excess of 25 feet in height.