In addition to the requirements applicable to gasoline service stations and car washes within the districts where such are permitted, the following requirements and regulations shall be complied with.
   (A)   Gasoline service stations.
      (1)   Minimum lot coverage: the minimum lot area to be occupied by a gasoline service station shall not be less than 12,000 square feet with a lot frontage of not less than 100 feet.
      (2)   Minimum pump setback: all fuel pumps and pump islands shall be set back a minimum distance of at least 15 feet from any street right-of-way line, property line or buffer strip.
      (3)   Permitted uses:
         (a)   Automobiles, trucks, luggage carriers, boats and trailers may be parked on the premises. Wrecked/damaged vehicles or trailers may be parked on the premises only within a totally enclosed building or screened area;
         (b)   Minor adjustments or repairs to automobiles, trucks, trailers or other vehicles which do not require body work, painting or removal of engines from frames or dismantling of differentials shall be permitted. Major adjustments or repairs at service stations shall only be permitted within zoning districts where such is so specified; and
         (c)   Retail sale of:
            1.   Minor automobile parts and accessories, gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, lubricating oils and greases; and
            2.   Articles dispensed by vending machines providing such vending machines are located under the roof of the principal structure.
      (4)   Outdoor storage: no permanent outdoor storage of materials or products shall be permitted.
      (5)   Repair facilities: no lift or repair facilities shall be located outside of the principal structure.
   (B)   Car washes.
      (1)   Minimum lot area: the minimum lot area to be occupied by a car wash containing either one conveyor belt washing stall or four or less self-service and/or automatic washing stalls shall not be less than 15,000 square feet with a lot frontage of not less than 100 feet. For each additional conveyor belt washing stall or four self service and/or automatic washing stalls, an additional 2,000 square feet shall be added to the minimum lot requirement.
      (2)   Compliance with other regulations: except as provided for in division (B)(1) above, all car washes shall comply with the regulations of this division (B).
(Ord. passed 4-4-2000)