   (A)   Facilities required. Every occupied building shall be provided with an electrical system in compliance with the requirements of this section.
      (1)   Service. The size and usage of appliances and equipment shall serve as a basis for determining the need for additional facilities in accordance with the National Electric Code. Dwelling units shall be served by a three-wire, 120/240-volt, single-phase electrical service having a rating of not less than 60 amperes.
      (2)   Electrical system hazards. Where it is found that the electrical system in a structure constitutes a hazard to the occupants or the structure by reason of inadequate service, improper fusing, insufficient receptacle and lighting outlets, improper wiring or installation, deterioration or damage, or for similar reasons, the Code Official shall require the defects to be corrected to eliminate the hazard.
   (B)   Electrical equipment.
      (1)   Installation. All electrical equipment, wiring and appliances shall be properly installed and maintained in a safe and approved manner.
      (2)   Receptacles. Every habitable space in a dwelling shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets. Every laundry area shall contain at least one grounded-type receptacle or a receptacle with a ground-fault circuit interrupter. Every bathroom shall contain at least one receptacle. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground-fault circuit interrupter protection.
      (3)   Lighting fixtures. Every public hall, interior stairway, toilet room, kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, boiler room and furnace room shall contain at least one electric lighting fixture.
(Ord. 2016-08-591, passed 8-3-16)
§ 150.059 DUCT SYSTEMS.
   Duct systems shall be maintained free of obstructions and shall be capable of performing the required function.
(Ord. 2016-08-591, passed 8-3-16)