(A) Definition of street. For the purpose of this subchapter, the word STREET shall mean all roadways, public and private, open for general public travel. Access drives to apartment and commercial complexes shall not be considered as private streets.
(B) Street names on preliminary plat. Street names shall be shown on the preliminary plat. The street names shown on the final plat shall be consistent with those shown on the preliminary plat.
(C) Suffix.
(1) East and west. Streets running east and west shall be identified with the suffix “Avenue” or “Boulevard” when applicable.
(2) North and south. Streets running north and south shall be identified with the suffix “Road” or “Street” respectively.
Street Suffix | |
Direction | Suffix |
East/West | Avenue Boulevard |
North/South | Road Street |
(D) State and federal highways. Streets which are also state and federal highways will be identified by their local street name followed by their state or federal designation in parenthesis on the official Street Address Map. For example, Henri De Tonti Boulevard (US 412).
(E) Cul-de-sacs. Cul-de-sac streets which have only one entrance/exit shall not be called “Avenue” or “Road” but shall have a suffix name such as “Cove, Lane, Place or Terrace” to indicate their dead end nature.
(F) Loop streets. Loop streets are circular or rectangular plan streets which begin at one point and end at another point along a common street and do not connect to any other streets. The street name suffixes on these streets must not be “Road” or “Avenue” but shall be “Loop, Circle, Court” or other name indicating a closed street layout.
(G) Duplication. Street names shall not be duplicated and names with a similar pronunciation such as Main/Maine shall be avoided.
(H) Name of person. No street shall be named after a person’s first or last name, unless specifically directed to do so by proclamation from the City Council in order to honor an individual.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.1500.04, passed 9-3-13)
(A) Final plats. All final plats shall be preaddressed. Large scale developments with more than one suite shall be addressed by the lot’s common address along with the individual suite number (i.e., 620 Henri De Tonti Blvd., Suite A, Suite B, etc.).
(B) Odd and even numbers. Address numbers shall be even on the north and east sides of the street and odd on the south and west sides of the street. Address numbers for unplatted residential and all other nonresidential buildings shall be determined by calculation. The distance from the center of the driveway to the last corner or grid shall be measured to get a location number. The location number is then divided by 5.28 to get the address. If the block number is 1200 and the location number divided by 5.28 is 43, the address is 1243 or 1244 depending upon which side of the street the building is located. Address numbers shall be beginning by the number grid in which the property is located.
(C) New residential subdivisions. In new residential subdivisions, each standard-sized lot shall be given a pre-assigned street number by the Planning Department upon final plat approval. All pre- addresses shall be reflected on the final plat at the time it is recorded. Address numbers will be assigned to large lots relative to their capacity to be divided into two or more minimum sized lots for the minimum width allowed by the zoning ordinance. Address numbers shall be assigned to lots in the appropriate odd or even numerical sequence relative to their location, such as 201, 203, 205, etc.
(D) Diagonal streets. Diagonal streets which run 45 degrees or less from a north/south line will be numbered by the north/south grid and those more than 45 degrees from the north/south line will be numbered by the east/west grid. Curving streets will be assigned numbers based upon the grid of their greatest length. For instance, if the beginning is more south than east of the end, then the north/south grid will be used.
Numbering for Diagonal Streets | |
From North/South Line | Grid to be used |
45º or less | North/South |
More than 45º | East/West |
(E) Loop street and cul-de-sacs. On loop streets and cul-de-sac streets address numbering shall begin at the entrance nearest the grid centerline. Address numbers shall increase or decrease relative to their initial movement from the grid centerline and continue to the opposite end as if the street were in a straight line. Block number changes will be made every 528 feet with odd and even numbers remaining on the same side of the street as they began.
(F) Apartments.
(1) On public streets. Apartment buildings on public streets shall be assigned individual addresses. Apartments clustered about a central parking area immediately facing a public street shall also be assigned separate street addresses.
(2) On private streets. Apartment buildings not located on public streets will be assigned a private street designator. These apartment buildings shall be assigned individual addresses. In these instances each building is lettered A, B, C and the like, but a central postal facility for all apartments must be located so it is readily accessible to a mail carrier for the public street serving the complex.
(3) Building identification. Each apartment must be identified on the exterior by block grid number. The numbers shall be in sequence increasing from the centerline. Apartment buildings shall have the block number as part of each apartment number 1702 Apt. #11. Apartments in lettered buildings shall have the building letter as part of each apartment number, such as B-210. When units are on multiple floors, ground floor numbers shall be in the 100 series (101, 102, 103 and the like), second floor in the 200 series (201, 202, 203 and the like). If a common hallway is used for several apartments, the external hallway entrance to each apartment shall contain a list of the apartments served. When addressing townhouses and other buildings containing units separately owned, each address shall be placed upon the principal external entryway to the unit.
(4) Individual units. The official address for each apartment on a public street shall be the building address followed by the apartment number, such as “329 E. Central Avenue, Apt # 11”, or “329 E. Central Avenue # 11.” Addresses for units in apartment buildings not on a public street shall include the block number, private street designator and apartment number. The official address for each apartment building not on a public street will be “1702 S.E. Moberly Manor Dr. Apt # 11” or “702 S.E. Moberly Manor Dr. # 11.” Mobile home parks on private streets shall be addressed in the same manner as apartment buildings located on private streets.
(G) Suites. Suite numbers (odd or even) shall be determined by its parent building’s number and will increase in an odd or even manner according to the layout location from the centroid. In the event of a suite split, the newly created suite shall be assigned the next lowest available number. Example: A building with the odd number 201 shall start with suite 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. Buildings with an even number (202) shall have even suite numbers (2, 4, 6, etc.). If there was a split in the odd building 201 between suites 3 and 5 the newly created suite would be numbered suite 4.
(H) Corner lots. Structures on corner lots shall not be given dual addresses. The structure on a corner lot shall be addressed off of the street where the front entrance is located. If the structure appears to have more than one front entrance then the structure shall be addressed off of the street with the shortest frontage.
(I) Townhouse. Each unit within a townhome development which is on an individual lot shall have a separate address number and not a unit number.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.1500.05, passed 9-3-13)
(A) Public and private street signs shall be installed at the expense of the original developer and thereafter maintained by the city.
(B) Private street signs shall be required. They shall conform to the public street sign standards, except shall have a blue background with white letters.
(C) Only street name signs which are authorized by the City Council shall be installed within the Planning Area Boundary of the City of Tontitown. All street name signs, public or private, found not to conform with this subchapter shall be removed by the city. Nonconforming, damaged or deteriorated public street signs shall be replaced as soon as possible by the city.
(D) Requests for private street signs on existing streets shall be submitted to the Building Official.
(E) Replacement of address numbers is required within 15 days after written notice to the owner or occupant. New and replacement numbers must be placed so that they will be clearly visible from the street of primary access to the building.
(F) Address numbers shall be a minimum of four inches high with dark reflective block letters on a white background or reverse contrasts and shall be visible from the street. The numbers shall be placed as near as possible to the primary entrance of the building and preferably above the entrance doorway. If building is not visible from the street, address numbers should be placed at the street entry to the building. The appeal must filed with the City Clerk within ten business days after the decision has been rendered. The appeal shall consist of a letter from the aggrieved party which sets forth the reasons for the appeal, any other necessary information as well as the payment of any required fee. The City Council shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.1500.06, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2014-12-488, passed 12-2-14; Am. Ord. 2023-06-1054, passed 6--23)