Each user must notify the Control Authority of any planned significant changes to the user's operations or system which might alter the nature, quality or volume of its wastewater at least 30 days before the change.
(A) The Control Authority may require the user to submit such information as may be deemed necessary to evaluate the changed conditions, including the submission of a wastewater discharge permit application under this chapter.
(B) The Control Authority may issue a wastewater discharge permit under this chapter or modify an existing wastewater discharge permit under this chapter in response to changed conditions or anticipated changed conditions.
(C) For purposes of this requirement, significant changes include, but are not limited to, flow changes of 20% or greater, and the discharge of any previously unreported pollutants.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)
(A) In the case of any discharge, including, but not limited to, accidental discharges, discharges of a nonroutine, episodic nature, a noncustomary batch discharge, or a slug load, that may cause potential problems for the POTW (including a violation of the prohibited discharge standards in this chapter) the user shall immediately telephone and notify the Control Authority of the incident. This notification shall include the location of the discharge, type of waste, concentration and volume, if known, and corrective actions taken by the user.
(B) Within five business days following such discharge, the user shall, unless waived by the Control Authority, submit a detailed written report describing the cause(s) of the discharge and the measures to be taken by the user to prevent similar future occurrences. Such notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, or other liability which may be matured as a result of damage to the POTW, natural resources, or any other damage to person or property; nor shall such notification relieve the user of any fines, civil penalties, or other liability which may be imposed pursuant to this chapter.
(C) A notice shall be permanently posted on the user's bulletin board or other prominent place advising employees whom to call in the event of a discharge described in division (A). Employers shall ensure that all employees are advised of the emergency notification procedure.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)
If sampling performed by a user indicates a violation, the user must notify the Control Authority as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours of becoming aware of the violation. The user shall also immediately repeat the sampling and analysis and submit the results of the repeat analysis to the Control Authority within the time period specified by the Control Authority but at no time later than 30 days after becoming aware of the violation. The user may not be required to resample if the Control Authority samples between the user's initial sampling and when the user receives the results of this sampling.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)
(A) Any person who commences the discharge of hazardous waste shall notify the Control Authority, the EPA Regional Waste Management Division Director, and state hazardous waste authorities (in writing) of any discharge into the POTW of a substance which otherwise disposed of, would be a hazardous waste under 40 C.F.R. Part 261. Such notification must include the name of the hazardous waste as set forth in 40 C.F.R. Part 261, the EPA hazardous waste number, and the type of discharge (continuous, batch, or other). If the user discharges more than 100 kilograms of such waste per calendar month to the POTW, the notification shall also contain this following information to the extent such information is known and readily available to the user: an identification of the hazardous constituents contained in the wastes, an estimation of the mass and concentration of such constituents in the wastestream discharged during that calendar month, and an estimation of the mass of constituents in the wastestream expected to be discharged during the following 12 months. All notifications to the Control Authority must be made prior to the commencement of the discharge.
(B) In the case of any new regulations under Section 3001 of RCRA identifying additional characteristics of hazardous waste or listing any additional substance as a hazardous waste, the user must notify the Control Authority, the EPA Regional Waste Management Waste Division Director, and state hazardous waste authorities of the discharge of such substance within 90 days of the effective date of such regulations.
(C) In the case of any notification made under this section, the user shall certify that it has a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of hazardous wastes generated to the degree it has determined to be economically practical.
(D) This reporting provision does not create a right to discharge any substance not otherwise permitted to be discharged by this chapter, a permit issued thereunder, or any applicable federal or state law.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05)
All pollutant analyses, including sampling techniques, to be submitted as part of a wastewater discharge permit application or report shall be performed in accordance with the techniques prescribed in 40 C.F.R Part 136, unless otherwise specified in an applicable categorical pretreatment standard. If 40 C.F.R. Part 136 does not contain sampling or analytical techniques for the pollutant in question, sampling and analyses must be performed in accordance with procedures approved by the EPA.
(Ord. 2005-8-226, passed 8-2-05; Am. Ord. 2007-06-291, passed 6-5-07)