(A) Driveway width. Commercial, industrial, and multi-family driveway widths shall meet the following guidelines:
(1) One-way in or out. If the driveway is an one-way in or one-way out drive, then the driveway shall be a minimum width of 16 feet and shall have appropriate signage designating the driveway as a one-way connection.
(2) Two-way. For two-way access, each lane shall have a width of 12 feet and a maximum of three lanes shall be allowed. Whenever more than two lanes are proposed, entrance and exit lanes shall be divided by a raised median. The median shall be four feet wide and conform to AHTD standard detail for curbed islands.
(3) Minor or principal arterials. Driveways that enter a minor or principal arterial at traffic signals must have at least two outbound lanes (one for each turning direction) of at least 12 feet in width, and one in-bound lane with a 14-foot width.
(B) Driveway grades. Driveway grades shall conform to the recommendations of the Center for Urban Transportation Research as shown in the table titled “Maximum Drive Grades.” Maximum grade changes between roadway cross-slope and driveway slope shall not exceed the grades listed below. The cross slope of the driveway shall meet the cross-slope of the sidewalk, which shall have a slope of no more than 2%.
Maximum Drive Grades
| |
Roadway | Driveway Grade |
Principal Arterial | 5 % |
Minor Arterial | 6 % |
Collector | 7 % |
Local | 10 % |
(C) Sight triangle. Driveway approaches must be designed and located to provide an exiting vehicle with an unobstructed view. Any plantings or structures in the site triangle must not exceed 30 inches in height.
(D) Throat length. The length of driveways or “throat length” shall be designed in accordance with the anticipated storage length for entering and exiting vehicles to prevent vehicles from backing into the flow of traffic on the public street or causing unsafe conflicts with on-site circulation. General standards appear in the table below titled “Generally Adequate Driveway Throat Lengths” but may vary according to the projected volume of the individual driveway. These measures generally are acceptable for the principal access to a property and are not intended for minor driveways. The figure titled “Driveway Throat Length” depicts an example of adequate throat length. Variation from these shall be permitted for good cause upon approval of the City Engineer or Planning Commission.
Generally Adequate Driveway Throat Lengths
| |
Development Type | Driveway Throat Length |
Shopping Centers > 200,000 GLA* (Signalized) (800 spaces) | 200' |
Smaller Developments < 200,000 GLA* (Signalized) | 75'-95' |
Unsignalized Driveways | 40'-60' |
*GLA - Gross lease-able area |
Driveway Throat Length

(E) Driveway design, location, and construction standards.
(1) Minimum distance of driveway and parking from street and into property.
(a) Driveway approach. Driveways shall be paved from the edge of road with concrete, brick or stone pavers, or other solid surface to the existing right-of-way or the right-of-way as set forth in the Tontitown Master Street Plan. This requirement does not apply for approaches from unpaved roads.
(b) Driveways beyond right-of-way. Driveways beyond right-of-way may be paved or unpaved.
(2) Unpaved driveway maintenance requirements. If an unpaved driveway is not adequately maintained to keep the area from becoming rutted, muddy and/or soil from being blown or washed away and is identified as a violation of this provision, such driveway shall be immediately remedied by the property owner.
(3) Driveway grading and drainage. The driveway shall be graded in such a way to dispose of surface water.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.1000.10, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2014-12-488, passed 12-2-14; Am. Ord. 2015-07-530, passed 7-21-15)