§ 152.143 LOTS.
   (A)   Access. Every lot shall have access to a public street except where private streets are explicitly approved by the Planning Commission in planned unit developments or planned residential developments.
   (B)   Shape. The shape of residential lots shall conform to the design of the subdivision. The Planning Commission shall judge lot shapes on the type of development and the use for which the lot is intended.
   (C)   Dimensions. Except as provided herein, the minimum lot dimensions shall conform to the requirements of the zoning ordinance for the zoning districts within which the subdivision is located.
   (D)   Setbacks. The minimum building setback line shall be as defined in Tontitown zoning ordinance § 153.021.
   (E)   Floodways. A minimum building setback line shall be established on the plat not less than 25 feet from any floodway boundary. This shall not affect plats that have been initiated prior to the passage of this chapter and filed while final plat approval is in effect.
   (F)   Corner lot size. Corner lots should be roughly 20% larger than interior lots.
   (G)   Double frontage lots. Double frontage lots other than corner lots fronting on two streets shall not be platted except under extreme circumstances, as may be approved by the Planning Commission, in which case building lines shall be established for both front and rear lot lines. Double frontage and reverse frontage lots should be avoided except where they are needed to provide for the separation of residential developments and traffic arteries or to overcome specific topographic or site constraints. Where double frontage exists, a planting screen easement of at least ten feet shall be provided along a portion of the lot abutting the traffic artery or other use where screening is required. In this circumstance, there shall be no right of access across the planting screen easement. At the discretion of the Planning Commission, the developer may substitute for an easement and a planting screen, a permanent ornamental fence or wall of the height and architectural character which will be appropriate and appropriately screened. Should the ornamental wall or fence be used, there shall still be a restriction upon right of access and such restriction shall clearly be so designated on the plat and within the accompanying bill of assurance.
   (H)   Slope and drainage. Every lot must slope to a street or its intended stormwater collection system.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.1000.4, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2017-05-636, passed 5-2-17)