(A) Inspections required. All projects shall be constructed according to the plans and specifications reviewed and approved by the city. Inspections shall be made periodically by the city in accordance with other applicable ordinances. The city, or its designated agents, may inspect those facilities, improvements and installations for conformance with plans and specifications. Any improvements where post installation inspections methods cannot ascertain whether proper methods or materials were employed may require resident on-site inspection during installation at the sole cost of the developer.
(B) Defects and deficiencies. If such inspection reveals that there are any defects or deficiencies in such improvements as installed or that improvements differ from the final engineering plans and specifications accepted by the city, the City Engineer shall notify the owner/developer and his or her engineer of record in writing of such defects, deficiencies, and deviations. The owner/developer shall, at his or her expense, correct such defects or deviations prior to final plat approval. When such deficiencies have been corrected, the Engineer of Record shall notify the City Engineer in writing that improvements are again ready and a final inspection shall be conducted.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.500.05, passed 9-3-13)
(A) Owner/developer responsibility. Upon approval of the final plat and acceptance of the public dedications by the City Council, the owner/developer shall record the final plat at the office of the County Circuit Clerk no later than ten days of the final plat approval.
(B) After recording the plat, the owner/developer shall provide two copies of the plat for the files of the Planning Commission.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.500.06, passed 9-3-13)
The following items shall be completed prior to Planning Commission approval of the final plat.
(A) Streets.
(1) All curb and gutter and street drainage slopes completed and backfilled.
(2) Final layer of asphalt in-place.
(3) Street signs paid for.
(4) Pedestrian accommodations constructed.
(5) Road right-of-way restoration substantially complete.
(B) Sewer.
(1) All sewer lines constructed to grade.
(2) Mandrel and pressure tests complete.
(3) All manholes complete to required elevations and vacuum tested.
(4) Sewer services marked.
(5) Lift station site functionally complete.
(6) Tracer wires installed on force mains and gravity sewer lines and tested.
(7) Lift station alarm completed and monitorable.
(8) Draft final record drawings.
(C) Water.
(1) All water lines in-place, pressure tested, and bacterially tested safe.
(2) All hydrants and valves in-place, accessible, and operational (facing street).
(3) Meter tiles and setters in place.
(4) Tracer wires installed and tested.
(5) Draft of record drawings.
(6) Passing test results for all backflow devices provided.
(7) All backflow prevention devices installed properly and functional.
(D) Drainage.
(1) Drainage swales in place, sodded or concrete-lined, properly dedicated with erosion control measures in place.
(2) Detention/retention facilities to grade and draining properly.
(3) Outlet structures, pilot channels, headwalls, flumes, and other appurtenances in place and constructed to approved plans and specifications.
(4) Any needed off-site improvements or easements in place.
(5) Sodding of detention/retention ponds completed and established.
(6) Fencing of detention/retention ponds in place.
(7) Aeration facilities for retention ponds in place.
(8) All drainage inlets, outlets, and conduits in proper location and constructed to approved plans and specifications.
(9) Final layer of drainage paving in-place as required by approved plan, including parking lots.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.500.08, passed 9-3-13; Am. Ord. 2014-12-488, passed 12-2-14)
The following items do not need to be completed prior to Planning Commission approval of the final plat, provided that the requirements of § 152.030 have been met.
(A) Streets.
(1) Correction of final layer of pavement to the required thickness and density.
(2) Correction of low or ponding areas in street.
(3) Correction of unacceptable curb sections.
(4) Correction of damaged pedestrian accommodation sections.
(5) Approval of final record street drawings.
(B) Sewer.
(1) Cosmetic work.
(2) Final record drawings.
(C) Water.
(1) Painting hydrants with proper coding for fire flow rates.
(2) Hydrant markers installed.
(3) Adjusting meter tiles to grade.
(4) Adjusting meter setters.
(5) Adjusting valve stacks.
(6) Pouring concrete valve operator pads.
(7) Final record drawings.
(D) Drainage. Cosmetic work (finish grout, clean out boxes, pipes, and other appurtenances).
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.500.09, passed 9-3-13)