(A)   Administrative review and approval.
      (1)   The city staff and other appropriate city and public agency staff shall review the proposed subdivision for conformance with these regulations.
      (2)   In its review, the city staff shall take into consideration the requirements of the community and the use of the land being subdivided and may offer suggestions concerning changes needed that would enable the project to meet the purpose and intent of the subdivision regulations.
      (3)   Particular attention shall be given to width, arrangement and location of streets, utility easements, drainage, lot sizes and arrangements and other facilities such as parks, playgrounds or school sites, public buildings, parking areas, and the relationship of the proposed subdivision to adjoining, existing, proposed and possible subdivision of lands.
      (4)   Comments will be sought from county officials who may provide recommendations as applicable to development within the planning area but outside the city limits.
   (B)   Other city departments. The city staff may distribute copies of the preliminary plat to other city departments and officials with the request that its recommendations for either approval or disapproval be provided in writing. Such recommendations shall be given to the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Planning Commission action.
      (1)   Changes or additions. After the Planning Commission has reviewed the preliminary plat and taken into account any staff recommendation, the applicant shall be advised of any required changes and/or additions.
      (2)   Action. The Planning Commission shall approve, approve conditionally, or disapprove the preliminary plat within 120 days from the date of receipt thereof or the preliminary plat shall be deemed approved unless the subdivider stipulates in writing to the Planning Commission that additional time is allowed. If disapproved, the preliminary plat shall be returned to the subdivider with a written statement as to the reasons for disapproval.
      (3)   Disapproval. A disapproved preliminary plat may be resubmitted. The plat shall be submitted for review as outlined in this regulation for an original preliminary plat submission.
(Ord. 2013-04-417, passed 4-2-13; Am. Ord. 2013-09-440, § 152.400.04, passed 9-3-13)