§ 90.800.2 INSPECTIONS.
   (A)   The developer shall provide for inspections of street improvements during construction. The inspections shall be accomplished under the supervision of the engineer of record. The engineer of record shall provide certification that all materials and construction conform to the approved plans and specifications and with these minimum street standards.
   (B)   The engineer of record shall furnish full-time inspection on the job as required by state law. This law is interpreted by the city to mean that a representative of the engineer of record must be on the job whenever a critical construction activity is taking place.
   (C)   All field tests required for a project shall be witnessed by the city, the engineer of record, and the contractor, or their authorized representatives.
   (D)   A 24-hour notice is required on all tests. Calls to the city for the purpose of setting test times shall be made to the City Engineer's office by 10:00 a.m. for test on the following day. Tests delayed by weather or other factors will be rescheduled on the same basis. If a representative of the city cannot be present, the City Engineer may authorize the engineer of record to witness the test and certify to the city the results.
   (E)   It is the responsibility of the engineer of record and the contractor to coordinate the scheduling of such tests with the city.
   (F)   Prior to final acceptance by the city, the project shall be subject to a joint final inspection by the city, the engineer of record, and the contractor. The City Engineer and the Water and Sewer Manager may also be a part of the final inspection.
(Ord. 2009-11-347, passed 11-3-09; Am. Ord. 2010-06-356, passed 6-1-10; Am. Ord. 2018-11-816, passed 11-6-18)
   (A)   The developer/owner shall provide quality control testing for all materials and construction involved in the street improvements. All testing shall be accomplished by a testing firm approved by the City Engineer and shall be performed under the supervision of a Professional Engineer.
   (B)   Minimum test requirements and minimum frequency of sampling and testing shall be given in §§ 90.800.4 and 90.800.5. Projects will be evaluated individually and additional testing may be required. The inclusion of tolerances in project specifications will be subject to approval by the City Engineer. Deficiencies in quality of materials and/or construction exceeding the tolerance limits will not be approved.
   (C)   Submission of test results shall be coordinated with the various stages of construction. Sampling and testing locations will be subject to approval of the city.
   (D)   Exceptions to the number of required tests for materials may be granted at the sole discretion of the City Engineer when current test data are available.
(Ord. 2009-11-347, passed 11-3-09; Am. Ord. 2010-06-356, passed 6-1-10; Am. Ord. 2018-11-816, passed 11-6-18)
Construction Stage
Inspection Items
Street subgrade constructed to accurate grade and within specified tolerances.
Moisture condition of subgrade (+ 3% of optimum unless otherwise approved in writing).
Subgrade stability (Proof rolling required in addition to density tests. Proof- roll to be performed with rubber-tired construction vehicle weighing a minimum of 25 tons such as a fully loaded, tandem-axle dump truck unless otherwise approved in writing by City Engineer.).
Base Course
Base course constructed to accurate grade and within specified tolerance.
Surface texture uniform (no evidence of segregation).
Moisture condition of base course.
Base course stability (Proof rolling required in addition to density tests. Proof-roll to be performed with rubber-tired construction vehicle weighing a minimum of 25 tons such as a fully loaded, tandem-axle dump truck unless otherwise approved in writing by City Engineer.)
Curb and gutter
Curb and gutter alignment and grade accuracy.
Cross section in conformance with typical detail.
Concrete finish as specified. No toppings or thin patches permitted. No cracks or other defects.
Joint spacing accurate. Joint filler and sealer complete.
Where removal and replacement of curb and gutter is required, the replacement section shall extend from joint to joint or as directed by the City Engineer.
Grade and cross section accurate. Surfaces within prescribed tolerance.
Texture and finish uniform.
Joints straight and smooth. Joint filler and sealer completed. No cracks or openings at joints.
Finish pavement surface shall not be lower than the top of gutter.
(Ord. 2009-11-347, passed 11-3-09; Am. Ord. 2010-06-356, passed 6-1-10 ; Am. Ord. 2018-11-816, passed 11-6-18)
   (A)   Density tests on subgrades and base courses shall be taken every 300 feet or portion thereof, except that each cul-de-sac street shall have a minimum of two tests taken regardless of its length. The subgrade shall be compacted to 95% of Standard Proctor (AASHTO T99 Method A or C). The base course shall be compacted to 95% of Modified Proctor (AASHTO T180 Method D) on local streets and higher classified streets. Base course placed under curb and gutter that is four inches or less in thickness will not require density test but will require “proof rolling”. Minimum base course thickness for local and higher classified streets is eight inches. For concrete streets the minimum base course required is three inches. Base course shall not be more than 1/4 inch less than specified thickness. Random soundings will be performed to ensure thickness is achieved. Rectification for base course which does not meet tolerance shall be submitted by engineer of record for review and consideration by City Engineer. Remedial work will be at the discretion of the City Engineer.
   (B)   Asphalt streets shall be cored every 300 feet or portion thereof for the purpose of checking density and thickness, except that each cul-de-sac street shall have a minimum of two cores taken regardless of length, with one being taken within the cul-de-sac. The location of the core shall be chosen by the City Engineer or his or her designated representative so as to accurately represent the quality of the asphalt laid in a particular area. Lanes of streets laid on different days may be required to have additional cores at City Engineer’s discretion. Core samples shall be used to indicate asphalt thickness, and in no case shall be more that 1/4 inch less than specified thickness. For cores that indicate thickness 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch less than that specified, isolation cores will be required. To isolate, the contractor, at no expense to the city, shall cut cores ten feet either side of the initial core. If one or both of the cores are in the acceptable tolerance, the section will be accepted. If one or both cores fail, then additional cores will be cut 25 feet away from the initial core in the failing directions. Subsequent cores will be cut at 50 foot intervals in the direction of failure until a core that passes tolerance is obtained. The isolated area will be that which falls within the limits of acceptable thickness. The areas that fall within the 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch less than specified thickness may be removed and replaced or warranted for five years at 150% of construction cost based on the estimate provided by the engineer of record. Areas that are determined to exceed the ½ inch less than specified thickness shall be removed and replaced within the limits of the acceptable thickness determined by the isolation method.
   (C)   Minimum asphalt density for black base, binder, and surface courses shall be 92.0% of the maximum theoretical density. Maximum asphalt density for black base, binder and surface courses shall be 96% of maximum theoretical density. Asphalt densities that fall between 90% to 92% and 96% to 98% shall be left in place and an extended warranty of five years at 150% of construction cost based on the estimate provided by the engineer of record will be required on the deficient asphalt pavement. Where densities are less than 90% or greater than 98%, the paving shall be removed and replaced. The limits of the deficient asphalt pavement shall be determined by the isolation method by first cutting two cores within two feet each side of the failing core, then add the results of the density of the original core and the two additional core densities. Divide by three and if the average of the three core densities fall within the acceptable ranges as specified above, then that section will be accepted per the aforementioned requirements. If the average of the original and the two re-cores fall below acceptable range, then additional cores will be cut first going 25 feet longitudinally in each direction from the original core and determining the densities of each. A resulting failing core from that point will require an additional core being cut 50 feet from that previous core and will continue in 50 foot increments until a passing core density is obtained. The failed area will consist of the area falling within the limits of the passing re- cores and will be addressed per the aforementioned requirements.
   (D)   Minimum thickness of local concrete streets shall be six inches and minimum 28 day compressive strength shall be 3,500 psi. A formal pavement design is required for higher classified streets but in no case shall be less than six inches in depth. A set of cylinders shall be taken for each 100 cubic yards or portion thereof poured. Admixtures for concrete pavement shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to placement.
   (E)   Concrete for curb and gutters shall be a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,500 psi. One set of cylinders shall be taken at beginning of pour then for every 1,000 linear feet of curb and gutter poured, or portion thereof.
   (F)   Concrete streets shall be cored every 300 feet or portion thereof for the purpose of checking thickness. Thickness shall not be more than 0.50 inches deficient. Areas of more than 0.50 inches deficiency shall be removed and replaced. The city may at its sole discretion choose to leave the deficient concrete slab in place and accept an extended five year warranty for concrete placement at 150% of construction costs based on estimate provided by the engineer of record.
   (G)   Concrete testing out less than 85% of design strength shall be removed and replaced. For concrete falling between 85% and 100% of design strength, an extended five year warranty for concrete placement shall be provided at 150% of construction costs based on estimate provided by the engineer of record.
   (H)   All core test holes for concrete and asphalt streets shall be filled with non-shrink grout flush with final surface within 24 hours of test.
(Ord. 2009-11-347, passed 11-3-09; Am. Ord. 2010-06-356, passed 6-1-10; Am. Ord. 2018-11-816, passed 11-6-18)
§ 90.900.1 GENERAL.
   Sidewalks are to provide for safe pedestrian circulation within the city and promote pedestrian transportation. Sidewalks are defined as a pedestrian way constructed along public or private right-of-way to provide pedestrian access removed from traffic lanes.
(Ord. 2009-11-347, passed 11-3-09; Am. Ord. 2010-06-356, passed 6-1-10; Am. Ord. 2018-11-816, passed 11-6-18)
   (A)   Sidewalks and trails will be built to meet all current federal “Americans with Disabilities Act” requirements, with the location from back of curb and width as follows:
Street Type
Sidewalk Distance from Back of Curb
Sidewalk Width of Surface
Trail Distance from Back of Curb
Trail Width of Surface
Street Type
Sidewalk Distance from Back of Curb
Sidewalk Width of Surface
Trail Distance from Back of Curb
Trail Width of Surface
Local with on street parking on one side
5 ft
5 ft
5 ft
5 ft
Collector with trail on one side
7 ft
6 ft
7 ft
12 ft
Collector Boulevard
6 ft
6 ft
Minor Arterial Boulevard with trail on one side
16 ft
6 ft
16 ft
12 ft
Minor Arterial with trail on one side
17 ft
6 ft
17 ft
12 ft
Principal Arterial Boulevard with trails on both sides
5 ft
12 ft
Principal Arterial with trail on one side
6 ft
6 ft
6 ft
12 ft
Note: Street sections that include trails shall meet the “City of Tontitown Master Transportation Plan” or as directed by the city.
   (B)   Planning Commission may permit construction of the sidewalk in another position if it can be shown that the topography, existing vegetation, or functional utility of the area creates a need for an alternate location. Upon approval of the Planning Commission, the required footage of sidewalk may be constructed in another location within the immediate neighborhood if the above conditions preclude construction of sidewalks within the development. The boundaries of the immediate neighborhood will be based on the neighborhood boundaries established by the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Upon approval of the Planning Commission, alternative pedestrian pathways such as walking trails may be constructed in lieu of sidewalks.
(Ord. 2009-11-347, passed 11-3-09; Am. Ord. 2010-06-356, passed 6-1-10; Am. Ord. 2018-11-816, passed 11-6-18)
   (A)   All sidewalks and trails shall meet all current Federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) design and construction requirements.
   (B)   Transverse slopes shall not exceed 2% (0.02 ft/ft).
   (C)   When adjacent to streets, sidewalks shall be constructed at an elevation 1% above the adjacent curb and shall slope toward the street at a grade not exceeding 2%. There shall be a minimum of one foot between the sidewalk and the beginning of a slope. No walls shall be constructed within two feet of any sidewalk unless otherwise approved in writing by the city.
   (D)   Sidewalks shall be constructed in a manner that will conform to the existing grade and landscaping. Sidewalks which extend or link existing sidewalks shall adjoin the existing sidewalks to form a continuous, even pathway.
   (E)   Where sidewalks cross driveways, said driveway shall be designed and graded such that the sidewalk cross-slope and grade continues through the driveway the same width as the adjacent sidewalks. Slope shall not exceed 2% where sidewalk crosses driveway.
   (F)   Utility poles, utility boxes, mailboxes, and other similar obstructions shall not be located in sidewalk. Sidewalk location behind back of curb may be varied at the discretion of the city to avoid such obstacles.
   (G)   Sidewalks shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,500 pounds per square inch. Alternative materials must be approved in writing by the City Engineer and/or Planning Commission. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of four inches thick.
   (H)   Compacted granular base course shall be a minimum of three inches thick.
   (I)   Transverse tooled joints shall be provided perpendicular to the sidewalk at intervals equal to the sidewalk width.
   (J)   Expansion joints shall be installed perpendicular to the sidewalk at intervals equal to five times the sidewalk width. Joint material shall be the same as approved for ARDOT sidewalk construction (AASHTO M 213). Alternate material must be approved in writing by the city.
   (K)   Wheelchair ramps shall be installed in accordance with current ADA requirements including the placement of detectable warning devices. Accessible ramps shall be constructed where sidewalk intersects a curb, commercial driveway, street or alley. Width of ramp shall match width of adjoining sidewalk. Detectable warning device shall extend two feet in the direction of travel and shall be the full width of the curb ramp or flush pedestrian access surface. Detectable warning device shall be placed such that the domes align in the predominant direction of pedestrian travel. Detectable warning device shall be located so that the nearest edge of the device is six inches from the face of curb. Maximum slope of ramp shall be 8.33% in the direction of travel. Cross-slope shall not exceed 2%.
(Ord. 2009-11-347, passed 11-3-09; Am. Ord. 2010-06-356, passed 6-1-10; Am. Ord. 2018-11-816, passed 11-6-18)