A.   Purpose: The purpose of this section is to describe the requirements common to all subdivision options except as these requirements are specifically excluded in other sections of these regulations.
   B.   Subdivisions In Adopted Plans: Subdivisions within the boundaries of community, regional, master development and other plans adopted as amendments to the comprehensive plan shall be developed in a manner that is consistent with the guidelines adopted within these plans.
   C.   Contiguous Property Under Same Ownership/Continuation Of Public Access:
      1.   Portions of any contiguous property within the ownership of the subdivider shall be included within the boundaries of the subdivision when needed or required for any circulation, drainage or flood control facilities or logical continuation of conservation areas.
      2.   The subdivider shall submit a development plan for portions of contiguous property owned by the subdivider, but not included within the subdivision boundaries, to be reviewed by the commission and approved by the city council. This development plan shall demonstrate that:
         a.   The remaining land is of a size and shape such that it can be developed with a use that is compatible with surrounding development and can meet the specifications of other applicable ordinances and regulations; and
         b.   Public access such as arterial and collector streets, trails and sidewalks shall be continued from contiguous property and designed to be adequate to serve future development.
   D.   On Site And Off Site Improvements:
      1.   On Site Improvements: Subdividers shall construct and provide all on site improvements including those along subdivision boundaries as lawfully required by the city. These improvements may include, but are not limited to:
         a.   On site streets and boundary streets;
         b.   Street name signs and traffic regulatory signs, markings, traffic control signals, streetlights when required, and other traffic control devices;
         c.   Drainage and erosion improvements;
         d.   Utilities;
         e.   Water conservation measures; and
         f.   Lot staking and survey monuments.
      2.   Off Site Improvements: Subdividers shall construct and provide all off site improvements reasonably related to the impacts of the new subdivision as lawfully required by the city. These improvements may include, but are not limited to:
         a.   Off site streets impacted by the subdivision traffic, including resurfacing and widening;
         b.   Turn lanes, turn bays and traffic lights when warranted;
         c.   Drainage and off site erosion improvements;
         d.   Water conservation measures;
         e.   Dust abatement during construction;
         f.   Sidewalks, curbs, gutters and trails when required; and
         g.   Adequate water supply and distribution systems, sanitary sewer and sewage disposal and utilities, as required.
   E.   Streets And Circulation:
      1.   Traffic Analysis: An analysis of traffic levels and distribution may be needed to evaluate the impacts of the subdivision traffic. The analysis may address the following information and any other information the planning director and department of public works to determine necessary to identify necessary street improvements.
         a.   Current average daily traffic on the streets serving the subdivision.
         b.   Average estimated daily traffic to be generated by the subdivision using traffic generation standards in the most current version of the institution of transportation engineers "Trip Generation Manual" unless otherwise justified by the applicant based on the type of development.
         c.   Estimates of peak hour or peak seasonal traffic generation.
         d.   Level of service of existing streets serving the subdivision before and after introduction of subdivision traffic.
         e.   Adverse effects upon traffic flow along the streets abutting the site resulting from traffic entering and leaving the site.
         f.   Current condition of existing streets serving the site.
         g.   Conformity to applicable policies of the comprehensive plan or other approved plans if any.
         h.   Existing and anticipated traffic patterns on site and in the surrounding area.
         i.   Future circulation needs into and around the surrounding area for current or potential future development.
         j.   Nature of the anticipated on site and off site improvements to be constructed.
         k.   If deemed necessary, the county engineer may require conformance with the Arizona department of transportation "Traffic Impact Analysis Manual".
      2.   Circulation And Layout:
         a.   Subdivision design shall provide public streets of a type and in locations adequate to accommodate current and projected future circulation needs within the subdivision and the surrounding area.
         b.   Access into the subdivision from off site streets shall be sufficient to facilitate emergency access to all lots.
            (1)   A minimum of two (2) means of access, built to the standards required by the department of public works is required for all residential subdivisions.
            (2)   All nonresidential subdivisions shall provide a second means of access built to Cochise County road construction standards and specifications for public improvements.
         c.   Nonlocal traffic on local streets shall be discouraged by the use of appropriate traffic calming methods and road layout design.
         d.   Half streets or partial width rights of way shall be prohibited except where necessary to provide right of way, to complete a road pattern already begun or to ensure reasonable development of adjoining parcels. Where a platted half street abuts the proposed subdivision, the remaining half width shall be platted within the subdivision.
         e.   Adequate access shall be provided to each lot through public or private streets.
         f.   Direct access from individual lots to streets that are identified or function as collectors and arterial streets shall be prohibited through subdivision design or via a one foot (1') no access easement.
         g.   Corner lots shall access onto local streets.
         h.   Road design shall be compatible with approach grades, drainage, bridges, or future grade separations, where a subdivision abuts or contains the right of way of a railroad, limited access highway or irrigation canal.
         i.   Cul-de-sac streets shall terminate in a circular turnaround area with a radius of at least fifty two feet (52').
         j.   Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed six hundred feet (600') in length from the entrance to the circumference of the turnaround area.
         k.   Block lengths shall facilitate overall circulation and emergency access. Block lengths shall not exceed one thousand five hundred feet (1,500') except in rural subdivisions (see definition) where block lengths shall not exceed two thousand six hundred forty feet (2,640') (1/2 mile).
         l.   Adequate sight distance triangles shall be designed and maintained at all road intersections.
         m.   Community mailboxes with an adequate pullout area to remove vehicles from through traffic are encouraged and may be required if deemed necessary by the department of public works; they shall be located on local streets rather than collector or arterial streets.
      3.   Sidewalks, Curbs And Gutters And Other Access:
         a.   Sidewalks, curbs and gutters are required in all nonresidential subdivisions along the front of the buildings and connecting all separate buildings and parking areas.
         b.   Sidewalks, curbs and gutters are required on local and collector streets for residential subdivisions when the lot size is one-half (1/2) acre or smaller.
         c.   Sidewalks, curbs and gutters are required on streets that are identified or function as arterial streets.
         d.   Sidewalks, curbs and gutters are required in residential subdivisions when required by the department of public works.
         e.   Sidewalks may include utility easements.
         f.   Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the department of public works standards and specifications for public improvements as amended from time to time.
         g.   Sidewalks may be constructed after construction of residential improvements if necessary to prevent destruction during site construction. The planning director is authorized to accept a bond or certified check based on the estimated cost to construct sidewalks in lieu of other security for the project improvements.
         h.   In addition to these requirements, sidewalks or other types of access shall be required if otherwise specified in these regulations, if addressed in applicable adopted plans and/or determined necessary to provide safe access to schools, parks, conservation areas, commercial services, playgrounds or other nearby public areas.
      4.   Private Streets And Drainageways:
         a.   Private streets shall be constructed to conform to requirements of the department of public works.
         b.   Private drainageways shall be constructed to conform to the proper engineering standards unless otherwise stipulated within these regulations.
         c.   Private streets and drainageways shall be constructed according to improvement plans approved by the department of public works.
         d.   Prior to sale of lots or release of a bond or other assurances, the subdivision engineer shall certify that the private streets and drainageways have been constructed according to the improvement plans approved by the department of public works.
         e.   A private street shall not be allowed if the road is needed for overall neighborhood or regional circulation. Streets identified as, or that function as collector or arterial streets, shall not be private.
         f.   A private drainageway shall not be allowed if needed to address overall area or regional drainage concerns.
         g.   A note shall be placed on the final plat stating that the city does not maintain private streets or drainageways and holding the city harmless for safety and vehicle damage from private streets.
         h.   The developer shall provide adequate reliable means of long term maintenance for any subdivision private streets or drainageways, either through a homeowners' association or otherwise.
      5.   Required Road, And Regulatory Sign And Markings:
         a.   All signs and markings shall comply with the "Manual Of Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD).
         b.   The developer shall install:
            (1)   Street name signs including directional information at all street intersections.
            (2)   Stop signs at the intersection of all streets with collector and arterial streets, at a minimum.
            (3)   Speed limit signs on all streets identified or functioning as city collector and arterial streets at the entry to the subdivision, and on local streets at egress from collector or arterial streets.
            (4)   Other regulatory signs and markings as required by the city engineer.
         c.   The developer shall pay his or her fair share of traffic lights installed at the intersection of all streets with collector and arterial streets, if determined to be warranted by the department of public works.
         d.   Location and design of road name and regulatory signs and markings shall be depicted on improvement plans and/or sign plans.
      6.   Road Names And Addresses:
         a.   The planning and zoning commission shall approve all road names.
         b.   All new road and street names must also be cleared with the rural addressing division of Cochise County planning department. All new road and street names shall have directionals and suffixes. New roads shall have no punctuation in them. New roads shall be no longer than twenty (20) characters with spaces, directional and suffix. Rural addressing will not accept new roads or streets that start with Calle, Camino, Via or that include De La. Any new road or street that aligns with an existing road will have the same name.
         c.   The city shall provide subdivision addresses before final plat approval.
   F.   Street Lighting: All street lighting shall be in conformance with the requirements of the department of public works.
   G.   Hydrology Requirements: The classification and design of drainageways and designation of design storm frequencies shall be based on the department of public works and proper engineering design. A hydrology report, to be submitted with the tentative plat, may be required.
   H.   Health Requirements: The rules and regulations of the Cochise County health department and the Arizona department of environment quality (ADEQ) are applicable to subdivision design. Such rules and regulations shall be deemed minimum standards. Applicants are advised to initiate early and continuous coordination with ADEQ. Prior to approving the tentative plat and final plat, the county health department shall review the application for compliance with all applicable county and state rules and regulations that are enforced by that department.
      1.   Sewage Disposal:
         a.   Individual sewage disposal systems, including septic tank systems shall not be permitted or installed on lots of less than one acre (43,560 square feet) in size excluding streets and easements, when both a well and individual sewage disposal system are located on the same lot, unless ADEQ approves an alternative wastewater treatment system such as a denitrification or filtration system.
         b.   If lots are connected to a community water system, individual sewage disposal systems, including septic tank systems are permitted on lots of thirty six thousand (36,000) square feet or larger in size excluding streets and easements.
         c.   For lots of less than thirty six thousand (36,000) square feet in size, excluding streets and easements, a connection to a city approved sanitary sewer system or other system approved by the Cochise County health department or Arizona department of environmental quality, is required.
         d.   Subdivisions shall be connected to available sewage disposal systems if located within four hundred feet (400') of the subdivision boundaries, and with available capacity at the plant and in the distribution lines.
         e.   The ADEQ "notice of intent to discharge and provisional verification of general permit conformance" for the sewage disposal system shall accompany the final plat, if applicable.
         f.   No building/use permit shall be issued for any subdivided lot of less than thirty six thousand (36,000) square feet in size excluding streets and easements, unless there is a connection to a city approved sanitary sewer system or other system approved by the Cochise County health department or Arizona department of environmental quality, is operated and maintained in accordance with county and ADEQ regulations.
         g.   Except when sewage disposal is to be provided via individual septic systems, lots shall not be sold from any phase until the sewage disposal system is completed with connections to the edge of each lot and ADEQ has issued a "verification of general permit conformance".
      2.   Water Distribution Systems:
         a.   Unless otherwise specified in these regulations, applicants shall ensure that water is available from a city approved water delivery system to each and every subdivided lot.
         b.   Subdivisions shall connect to city water distribution systems.
         c.   No building/use permit shall be issued for any subdivided lot of less than one acre (43,560 square feet) requiring an approved water delivery system, until the water delivery system is completed as required by applicable regulations.
      3.   Water Adequacy: Adequacy of water will be determined by the department of public works.
   I.   Utilities:
      1.   Adequate utilities or facilities, furnishing for the subdivision, electricity, gas, steam, communications, water, drainage, sewage disposal, or flood control, shall be provided.
      2.   Each subdivision plat shall include easements that are adequate for all necessary utilities, including access for maintenance and repair of such facilities. Easements shall be located along both sides of street frontages and be at least ten feet (10') wide or as otherwise required by the utility company.
      3.   The electric, telephone and cable services shall be installed underground except where it is demonstrated to be infeasible from an engineering, operational or economic standpoint.
      4.   Utilities shall not be allowed in drainageways, drainage easements, grader ditches and flow paths.
      5.   All required utility connections shall be provided to the edge of each lot.
      6.   Each cul-de-sac street shall be provided with a utility easement designed to prevent dead end mains unless waived by the utility companies.
      7.   All service shall be in conformity with the administrative rules and regulations of the Arizona corporation commission.
   J.   Screening, Fencing And Cattle Guards:
      1.   When a residential subdivision borders an existing commercial or industrial establishment, perimeter screening by an opaque solid wall or fence with a minimum height of six feet (6') from grade, shall be required. The screen shall be constructed out of standard materials or other acceptable materials approved by the city building official. The commission may approve an existing vegetative screen if it meets the intent of creating a solid opaque screen and is maintained in accordance with the city zoning regulations (landscaping, planting and maintenance requirements).
      2.   Nonresidential subdivisions shall provide a solid opaque wall with a minimum height of six feet (6') from grade along the perimeter of the subdivision where abutting a residentially zoned area.
      3.   The developer shall obtain a building permit for subdivision gates, walls and fences as required by the city zoning regulations.
      4.   Perimeter fencing or cattle guards on streets sufficient to protect property and streets from the intrusion by livestock may be required if deemed necessary by the planning director. Cattle guards shall be constructed to conform with the Cochise County road construction standards and specifications for public improvements as amended from time to time.
   K.   Fire Protection:
      1.   Fire Protection Requirements:
         a.   Subdivisions adjacent to the boundaries of a fire district shall be annexed into the service area pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes section 48-262 if acceptable to the district.
         b.   No subdivision with individual lot sizes of thirty six thousand (36,000) square feet or less shall be established unless there are appropriate provisions for fire protection service.
         c.   Fire protection improvements shall be subject to the same financial assurances as other subdivision improvements.
         d.   Covenants, conditions and restrictions for subdivisions within an area served by a volunteer fire department shall require individual property owners to pay fire department fees, to be collected and paid to the fire department by the homeowners' association or through some other enforceable mechanism acceptable to the fire department until such time as they become a district.
         e.   Fire protection provisions shall be described during the tentative plat process and shown on improvement plans.
         f.   Water supply appliances provided within the subdivision shall be located per the fire code applicable to the serving fire district or adopted by the city at the time of development.
         g.   Water supply appliances when required shall be compatible with the equipment of the agency providing service.
Lot Sizes
Water Flow
Duration Of Flow
36,000 square feet or smaller lots
250 gallons per minute calculated at 20 psi flowing pressure in excess of the normal estimated water consumption of residences in the subdivision
System capable of sustaining this flow for 2 hours
Larger than 36,000 square feet to less than 2 acres
250 gallons per minute calculated at 20 psi flowing pressure in excess of the normal estimated water consumption of residencesin the subdivision is recommendedor at a minimum a 36,000 gallon storage tank is required
System capable of sustaining this flow for 2 hours is recommended
2 acres or larger lot sizes
Some provision for a water supply for fire protection is recommended; if no water supply is provided a note shall be placed on the final plat indicating that a fire protection water supply is not provided
      2.   Emergency Vehicle Access Requirements/Gated Communities:
         a.   A minimum of two (2) means of access built in conformance to Cochise County road construction standards and specifications for public improvements are required for all subdivisions except in rural subdivisions (see definition) and minor expedited residential subdivisions with twenty seven (27) lots or fewer.
         b.   If streets pass under an arch, sign or overpass, a minimum clearance of fourteen feet six inches (14'6") must be provided.
         c.   Emergency providers shall be provided with convenient and reliable methods for access through subdivision gates without delay.
         d.   Gates shall be of a width that is in accordance with the uniform building code or international fire code adopted at the time of development.
      3.   Subdivisions Not Within A Fire Protection Service Area:
         a.   For subdivisions with individual lot sizes greater than thirty six thousand (36,000) square feet, if a fire district, volunteer fire department or private protection service are unavailable other measures to provide adequate fire protection may be approved by the city.
         b.   A note shall be placed on the final plat indicating that a fire service provider is not available.
   L.   Water Conservation:
      1.   General:
         a.   Subdivisions shall conform to water conservation measures and policies adopted in the city zoning regulations and policies of the city of Tombstone comprehensive plan and other ordinances as adopted or as amended from time to time.
         b.   Where applicable, water conservation measures as described below shall be included in covenants, conditions and restrictions and depicted on the tentative and final plats as part of a typical lot drawing or as a note on the plat.
         c.   Where applicable, water conservation measures shall be enforced by the homeowners' association.
         d.   The city shall enforce water conservation measures at permit issuance, if approved as a condition of final plat approval.
         e.   Water conservation measures in addition to the ones described in this section are encouraged.
         f.   Washing outdoor hard surfaces with water is prohibited.
         g.   Water efficient washing machines are required.
      2.   Landscaping: In street medians, hardscapes, conservation areas and common areas:
         a.   Turf is only allowed for publicly used common areas.
         b.   Turf shall not be allowed in areas eight feet (8') wide or less.
         c.   Turf or high water use plants shall not be allowed on slopes that exceed twenty five percent (25%).
         d.   Only plants on the city approved list, as updated from time to time or other drought tolerant plants approved by the city shall be used.
         e.   Where irrigation is used, timers shall be installed.
         f.   Rainwater harvesting and reuse shall be utilized where practical.
         g.   Sprinkler heads shall be installed no closer than eight inches (8") from impermeable surfaces.
         h.   Impermeable covering shall not be applied to any soil surfaces.
         i.   A minimum of a two inch (2") thick layer of porous mulch shall be applied to all irrigated, nonturf areas.
      3.   Common Use Buildings:
         a.   All lavatory faucets shall be equipped with mechanisms that close automatically after delivering not more than one quart of water.
         b.   Cooling systems that do not need a water source shall be used.
         c.   Outdoor misters are prohibited.
         d.   All hot water pipes shall be insulated.
         e.   All hot water pipes shall be recirculating and shall have hot water pumps with timers along with adequate signage appropriately displayed on the hot water heater identifying the pump and timer and include instructions for use. On demand hot water systems are exempt from this requirement.
         f.   As adopted in the city zoning regulations, pool and spa covers shall be used to prevent evaporation.
         g.   A gray water diversion valve with a pipe exiting to a potential irrigated landscaped area shall be installed at a minimum, on washing machines, with adequate educational signage prominently displayed if approved by the Cochise County health department. The exit pipe shall be adequately marked to indicate it as a nonpotable water pipe in conformance with Arizona department of environmental standards.
   M.   Land Clearing: A note shall be placed on the tentative and final plats stating that all land clearing shall be in conformance with the city of Tombstone land clearing ordinance and clearing methods depicted on the improvement plans and in the hydrology report. Clearing for subdivisions shall not occur until the improvement plans are substantially approved.
   N.   Lots:
      1.   The lot area and minimum building setback lines shall conform to the requirements of zoning and other applicable regulations.
      2.   The depth and width of lots shall be adequate to provide for off street parking and loading requirements.
      3.   Double frontage lots, except corner lots, shall be prohibited on streets that are identified or function as city collectors and arterials unless a one foot (1') no access easement is recorded.
      4.   Lots cannot be further split.
      5.   In numbering lots, the following rules apply:
         a.   An Arabic numeral shall designate each lot.
         b.   Numbering shall follow in a continuous fashion within the subdivision.
         c.   Common areas shall be designated by capital letters and be designated in sequence within a subdivision starting with the letter "A".
   O.   Lot Corner Staking And Monument Improvements: The subdivider shall be responsible for installing lot corner staking and monument improvements as described below:
      1.   Lot corner staking shall be iron or steel bars, or iron pipes at least fifteen inches (15") long and one-half inch (1/2") in diameter and shall be set at all corners, angle points and points of curvature for each lot and block within the subdivision, except for those points at which a monument is found or installed.
      2.   Survey monuments shall be installed at:
         a.   All corners and angle points in the boundaries of the subdivision.
         b.   The intersecting points of centerlines of streets.
         c.   The intersections of the rights of way lines of streets within the boundaries of the plat.
         d.   At all points of curvature, points of tangency, points of compound curvature, points of reverse curvature land angle points in the right of way lines of streets.
   P.   Maintenance Of Common Areas:
      1.   An appropriate mechanism, homeowners' association or some other method shall be required to ensure that common areas, including, but not limited to, private streets and drainageways and conservation areas, are maintained for the purposes intended, in a manner satisfactory to the planning and zoning commission and the city council.
      2.   Enforceable covenants and restrictions shall specify the ownership of the common areas and the responsibility for maintenance, taxes and insurance. If an association is involved, the covenants and restrictions shall include guarantees that any such association will not be dissolved without the consent of the city.
      3.   The city may agree to enforce specific covenants and restrictions if this provision is stated on the final plat as a condition of plat approval.
      4.   Thirty (30) days written notice to the city is required if responsibility for the common areas is to be transferred. The city reserves the right to prohibit any such transfer that would not be consistent with these regulations.
   Q.   Requirements For Covenants, Conditions And Restrictions: When common areas such as private streets, drainageways and conservation areas are held in common ownership and maintained by a homeowners' association, the developer shall:
      1.   Provide the city with a copy of the covenants and restrictions governing the association to be recorded with the final plat.
      2.   Include the following declaration in the covenants, conditions and restrictions when private streets and drainageways are proposed:
         a.   All private streets and drainageways depicted on the plat shall remain private and shall not be dedicated to public use until such time as:
            (1)   Approval of any such dedication is approved by the property owner through the homeowners' association;
            (2)   The city council consents to accepting this public dedication; and
            (3)   The streets are upgraded to current city standards before being dedicated to public use.
      3.   Formally establish the association upon final plat approval.
      4.   Require mandatory membership for homeowners.
      5.   Require that the association be responsible for maintenance of common areas, pursuant to a comprehensive maintenance plan.
      6.   Provide a means for obtaining adequate financial support for the association.
      7.   Require that the city be given thirty (30) days' written notice if responsibility for the common areas is to be transferred.
   R.   Phasing:
      1.   Phasing shall be approved as part of tentative plat approval and depicted on tentative and final plats.
      2.   Subdivision phasing shall be designed so that each phase can function independently if the other phases are not completed.
      3.   All improvements shall be completed for a phase before any assurances guaranteeing improvements are released.
      4.   Improvements required to address regional and area needs shall be completed as part of the first phase unless otherwise expressly authorized by the city council.
   S.   Improvement Plans:
      1.   Three (3) complete sets of engineering plans and subsequent revisions shall be submitted for approval by the city engineer.
      2.   Improvement plans shall include all road, drainage, fire protection, utilities, road and regulatory signs and markings and other improvements required for approval of the tentative and final plats.
      3.   At a minimum, improvement plans and regulatory signs and marking plans for the first subdivision phase shall be substantially approved by the city engineer prior to final plat approval. Road design and regulatory signage shall be provided for the entire subdivision.
      4.   The city council shall approve regulatory signs for public roads as part of final plat approval.
      5.   Improvement plans shall provide for and conform to the requirements in the Cochise County road construction standards and specifications for public improvements, floodplain regulations and the city land clearing ordinance.
      6.   Prior to approval by the city engineer, the developer shall provide written confirmation that the plans have been reviewed and approved by the pertinent utility companies.
      7.   Unless the city council authorizes a specific amendment to the approved plans, council approval of the final plat shall be conditional upon the obligation to construct all improvements as indicated on the approved plans. (Ord. 2005-01, 2-8-2005)