A.   In addition to any other penalties or remedies provided by this title, the zoning officer may suspend or revoke a use permit upon a finding of:
      1.   A material change in the permitted use or the conditions prescribed upon issuance of the use permit has occurred without an amendment to the use permit having been obtained; or
      2.   Material noncompliance with the conditions prescribed upon issuance of the use permit or with the representations made by the permit holder in connection with the application for the use permit as to the nature of the conditional use to be conducted; or
      3.   Operation of the permitted use in such a manner as to cause a substantial detrimental impact on neighboring persons or property.
      4.   To suspend or revoke a use permit, the zoning officer shall deliver or mail by certified mail to the address indicated on the use permit application and, if different from application address, the address of the property subject to the use permit, a written notice that the use permit is suspended or revoked and which states the grounds therefor.
      5.   Upon written request received by the zoning officer within ten (10) days of the date of the notice by the permit holder, or any person whose use of the permitted property will be adversely affected by the suspension or revocation, the matter will be referred to the board of adjustment and appeals on an appeal pursuant to the appeal procedures provided under section 3-1-11 of this code. If an appeal is not received within ten (10) days of the date of the notice, the suspension or revocation shall take effect on the eleventh day after the date of the notice.
      6.   The decision of the board of adjustment and appeals may be appealed as provided in section 3-1-11 of this code. (Ord. 2015-02, 7-14-2015)