In reviewing an application for a certificate of appropriateness, the historic preservation commission shall not consider changes to interior spaces or to architectural features that are not visible from a public street or alley. For development subject to the historic preservation chapter, the following criteria shall be reviewed, including appropriateness, compatibility, and historic design criteria:
   A.   Appropriateness: The appropriateness of a proposed development or action shall be considered in terms of the purpose and intent of maintaining and protecting historic resources in the city of Tombstone. The historic preservation commission's decision shall be based on the following principles, adhering to the adopted design guidelines:
      1.   Properties which contribute to the character of the historic preservation district shall be retained, with their historic features altered as little as possible.
      2.   Alterations to individual historic structures or landmarks shall conform to the unique and intrinsic character of the original structure itself, or of historically valid styles which may not reflect the original character of the structure.
      3.   New construction within a historic preservation district shall be consistent with the surrounding architecture and the principles stated in subsections B and C of this section.
      4.   Requests for demolition of historic landmarks shall follow the procedures contained in this chapter, and all reasonable alternatives shall be considered and eliminated prior to approval.
   B.   Compatibility: In applying the principle of compatibility, the commission shall consider the following factors:
      1.   The general design, character and appropriateness to the property of the proposed alteration or new construction.
      2.   The scale of the proposed alteration or new construction in relation to the property itself, surrounding properties, and the neighborhood.
      3.   Texture, materials, and color and their relation to similar features of other properties in the neighborhood.
      4.   Visual compatibility with the surrounding properties, including proportion of the property's front facade, proportion and arrangement of windows and other openings within the facade, roof shape, and the rhythm of spacing of properties on streets, including prevailing setbacks.
      5.   The importance of historic, architectural or other features to the significance of the property.
   C.   Historic Design Criteria: For alteration, restoration, or reconstruction of an existing designated historic structure or landmark, or alteration or new construction within a designated historic preservation district, the following design criteria shall be considered in addition to the secretary of the interior's standards for rehabilitation, which are to be considered guidelines to assist the commission as well as applicants in their proposals and deliberations. (Ord. 2015-01, 7-14-2015)