The following categories of uses are exempt from the provisions of this chapter:
   A.   Clearing of land for agricultural purposes, mining and other uses exempted by Arizona Revised Statutes section 11-830;
   B.   Clearing for the maintenance of existing roads, private access easements, driveways, and utility easements on ground that was disturbed prior to the effective date of this chapter;
   C.   Clearing for new public utilities;
   D.   Clearing as part of a development where clearing limits have been set and erosion control plans approved as part of the approval for the development; provided, that land clearing in connection with such projects shall take place only after a development permit has been issued by the city and shall be in accordance with such permit;
   E.   The installation and maintenance of fire hydrants, water meters, and pumping stations, and street furniture by the city or utility companies or their contractors;
   F.   Removal of trees and ground cover in emergency situations involving immediate danger to life or property or substantial fire hazards;
   G.   Removal of diseased, dead or dying trees, shrubs, weeds and grass wherein the removal of the trees, shrubs and grass is essential for the protection of life, limb, or property;
   H.   Routine gardening and landscape maintenance of existing landscaped areas on developed lots, including pruning, weeding, planting, and other activities associated with maintaining an already established landscape;
   I.   Routine maintenance activities, including tree, shrub, weed and grass removal, required to control vegetation on private property, road and utility rights of way. (Ord. 04-2004, 6-29-2004)