A.   The trustees shall have charge of the library and all library property. They shall meet on the first Tuesday of each month for business purposes and at such other times as needed. They shall elect a president, president pro tem and secretary. To hold meetings, an agenda must be provided and posted by the city twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting. The agenda must include such items as old and new business. Specific items under old and new business must be listed. There shall be a call to the public for comments, but there is no legal requirement. These comments may be rescheduled for a later meeting agenda.
   B.   All meetings shall comply with Arizona's open meeting laws.
   C.   The president shall preside over the meetings and perform the duties as generally accepted under "Robert's Rules Of Order".
   D.   The president pro tem shall conduct the meetings in the absence of the president.
   E.   The secretary shall keep minutes and submit to the board and city council each month. These minutes shall contain:
      1.   The date, time and place of meeting.
      2.   The members either present or absent at the meeting.
      3.   A general description of all actions proposed, discussed, or taken and the names of members who propose each motion.
      4.   In the event that matters not on the agenda were discussed or decided at a meeting because of an actual emergency, the minutes must contain a statement setting forth the reasons necessitating the discussion or decision without the matter being placed on the agenda. Except for executive sessions, the minutes must be open to public inspection no later than three (3) working days after the meeting.
   F.   The board may:
      1.   Draft and recommend to the city council rules, regulations, policies and procedures for the library and bylaws for the library board.
      2.   Advise and assist the librarian in the planning of the annual budget and review such budget from time to time.
      3.   Recommend salary of the librarian and such other assistants or employees as may be necessary, based on performance and experience.
      4.   Exercise and administer any trust(s) declared or created for the library.
      5.   Monitor the purchase of necessary books, journals, publications and other library materials.
      6.   Issue a policy of the library which may include, but not be limited to, hours of operations, circulation policy, issuance of library cards, and collection policy.
      7.   Take all necessary action for the care, control, management and improvement of the library.
      8.   Interview applicants for librarian or library aide and recommend the individual chosen to mayor and council. (Ord. 2009-04, 12-8-2009)