As authorized by the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-1-6, as may hereinafter be amended, a state of emergency may be declared terminated at any time by the Village President by a written declaration executed by the Village President and published in the manner provided by this chapter, and in any event a declaration of a state of emergency shall expire and terminate automatically and without any further act by the Village President not later than the adjournment of the first regular meeting of the Village Board of Trustees after execution of the declaration of emergency; provided however, that the Village Board may from time to time thereafter, by motion, extend such state of emergency and any orders issued by the Village President in connection therewith until a time fixed in such motion, but not later than:
   (A)   The adjournment of the next succeeding meeting of the Village Board; or
   (B)   Forty-eight hours after the time of such extension whichever shall first occur.
(Prior Code, § 2.28.060) (Ord. 2020-O-8, passed 3-19-2020)