730.02. Definitions.
   The following definitions shall apply to this chapter:
   (a)   "Animal" means every living creature of the genus equus.
   (b)   "Carriage" means a vehicle for transporting an operator and passenger.
   (c)   "Cruelty," "torment" and "torture" includes every act, omission or neglect by which unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffering is caused, permitted or allowed to continue where there is remedy or relief.
   (d)   "Director" means the Director of Police Operations of the City, or his designated agent.
   (e)   "Health Officer" means the Health Commissioner of the City or other official designated by him to act on his behalf.
   (f)   "Horse-drawn" means propelled by a horse that is controlled by an operator.
   (g)   "Loading area" means the location where the horses are unloaded from or loaded onto their transport vehicle.
   (h)   "Operator" means the person who is in control of the horse at all times.
   (i)   "Owner" means the person to whom or the firm to which the license is issued. This includes corporations. For the purpose of this section, the knowledge and acts of agents and employees of a corporation, in regard to animals transported, owned or employed by or in the custody of such agents and employees are the knowledge and acts of the corporation.
   (j)   "Premises" means the location where the headquarters or office of the owner is located.
   (k)   "Transport vehicle" means a trailer towed by a vehicle or a vehicle designed for the transport of a horse or horses and used to transport same between their place of stabling and the loading area.
   (l)   "Veterinarian" means a practicing veterinarian licensed by the State of Ohio and/or Michigan.
(Ord. 422-87. Passed 6-2-87; Ord. 104-94. Passed 3-14-94.)