(a) Membership. The Commission shall consist of fourteen members. Thirteen members shall be citizens appointed by the Mayor and subject to confirmation by Council in accordance with the composition requirements set forth herein. The remaining member shall be a member of Council who shall sit on the Commission in an ex officio capacity. The Council member of the Commission shall be the chair of the Council Committee with oversight of the Commission as determined by the President and members of Council. The Council member of the Commission shall be non-voting. Initially the composition of the thirteen citizen members of the Commission will include four members appointed to one year terms, four members appointed to two year terms and five members will be appointed to three year terms. Members appointed after the initial members are appointed shall be appointed for three year terms.
(b) To the greatest extent practicable the Commission be comprised of members who represent the racial and ethnic diversity of the men and women of Toledo, and who have demonstrated in their words and actions a sensitivity to the need to end discrimination and insure equal opportunity for all. In order to insure representation of a broad range of community perspectives, the Commission will include one labor representative, one Religious affiliation representative, one education representative, one business or economic development representative, one youth representative, one member of the legal community, one neighborhood representative, one LGBT representative and five at large appointments. The At Large appointments include the four members and the Board Chair who make up an Executive Committee.
(c) The Commission will annually elect one of the at-large members to serve as Chair and four of the at-large members to serve with the Chair as an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be compensated at the same rates as member to the City of Toledo Civil Service Commission and sufficient sums shall be appropriated each year for the purpose of compensation.
(d) During a term, any vacancy on the Commission, occasioned by resignation, death, disability or other cause as defined in the Commission's by-laws, shall be filled for the remainder of the term, by a person selected in the same manner as the person being replaced.
(e) The Commission shall be, to the greatest extent practical, an independent entity. However, the Commission will coordinate its efforts and shall liaise with an official of the administration as determined by the Mayor. The Commission shall also report periodically to City Council.
(Ord. 68-18. Passed 3-27-18.)