121.03. Duties of Director.
   The Director of Law or an assistant shall attend all meetings of Council and of each committee thereof, and give such counsel and legal advice as may be required of him concerning their official acts. He shall draw all contracts, ordinances and legal documents, which may be required of him by law or ordinance, by Council or by any committee thereof. He shall be legal advisor of Council, and all committees thereof and of all the officers of the City in any department of the City government, in relation to their official acts, and when requested by them in writing, shall furnish his written legal opinion concerning the law in any matter before them in their official capacity. He shall prosecute or defend, as the case may be, for and in behalf of the City, all complaints, except in cases where Council shall employ attorneys to act independently of the Director of Law, and such other suits, matters and controversies as he shall, by resolution or ordinance, be directed to prosecute. He shall act as counsel and attorney when requested for all City officers where their official conduct is involved, except when they may be prosecuted for malfeasance or misfeasance in office, and perform such other services as Council may require.
(1952 Code § 3-5-7)