Section 237. Effective date of 1992 Charter Amendment.
   For the purpose of establishing qualifications of and nominating and electing officers and all purposes connected therewith, applicable sections of this Charter amendment shall take effect from and after the date of the approval by the electors. All other sections shall take effect from and after the first business day of January, 1994, unless a particular Charter section requires action to be taken prior to that date. All sections of this Charter not amended or repealed here by and not inconsistent therewith shall remain and continue in full force and effect. Unless the context clearly indicates a contrary intent, and except with respect to the appointment or removal of the City Auditor, the Clerk of Council or other Council employees, effective on the first business day of January, 1994, and thereafter, whenever this Charter provides that a matter shall be authorized by the Council, or approved by the Council, or that Council shall take certain action, such authorization, approval or action shall mean authorizing, approving or acting pursuant to a duly enacted ordinance or resolution in conformity with sections 43A and 43B hereof.
(Amended by electors 11-3-92)