Section 17. Marking ballots - voting for candidates not regularly nominated.
   In order to vote for a candidate or candidates at any primary or regular City election, the voter shall, after entering the voting booth, place a cross (X) in the square before each candidate's name for whom the voter wishes to vote, but in no case shall an elector vote for more than one candidate for Mayor and for more than the number of candidates to be elected for Council as hereinafter provided.
   A blank space shall be left on the ballots below the printed names of the candidates for Mayor and for Council. In such space an elector may write, stamp or place the name of any person eligible for such office and vote for the person by placing a cross (X) before his or her name to indicate a choice. Any person so voted for shall be considered a candidate in the counting of ballots just as if he or she had been regularly nominated, but in no case shall an elector vote for more than one candidate for Mayor and for more than the number of candidates to be elected for Council as hereinafter provided.
(Amended by electors 11-7-00)