The Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Director shall be responsible for the compilation, review and analysis of the following reports related to administration of the MBE, WBE and SBE programs under Chapter 188 of this Code:
(a) Quarterly utilization reports based upon city contract awards, contract payments, and vendor registration data to include an analysis of contracts by industry, dollar amounts and race, national origin and gender and small business participation;
(b) Annual reports to city council and the mayor summarizing the progress made toward inclusion of certified businesses; recommendations for future action; and such other information as is requested to include a summary of contracts and subcontracts placed with MBEs/WBEs and SBEs, broken down by race, gender, national origin and industry category, dollar volume and percentage of total contract expenditures for the same time period;
(c) Annual review and evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs and provisions under Chapter 188 this Code, as well as the need for modification of such program. To accomplish this evaluation, the Director may, in addition to the above stated reports, provide for studies and surveys as needed;
(d) Subject to necessary Council appropriation and authorization, no later than August 1, 2027 and every five years thereafter, the Director shall prepare a request for proposals for completion of an update of the disparity study. The complete Study shall be presented to the mayor and council along with any recommendation for changes to programs and practices for the MBE/WBE and SBE programs and related Toledo Municipal Code provisions and/or ordinances.
(Ord. 238-23. Passed 5-30-23.)