184.05. Implementation of the principles of CEDAW in the City of Toledo.
   (a)   City-wide integration of human rights principles. The City shall work towards integrating intersectional gender equity and human rights principles into all of its operations, including policy, program, and budgetary decision-making. The Commission shall train selected departments in human rights with a gender perspective.
   (b)   Gender Analysis and Action Plan. To implement CEDAW and eliminate discrimination against women and girls, selected City departments, programs, policies, and private entities to the extent permitted by law, shall undergo an intersectional gender equity ("IGE") analysis and develop a Departmental Action Plan. The IGE analysis shall be conducted according to guidelines developed by the Commission. The IGE analysis shall include: (i) the collection of intersectionally disaggregated data; (ii) an evaluation of gender equity in the entity's operations, including its budget allocations, delivery of direct and indirect services, and employment practices; and (iii) the entity's integration of human rights principles and the local principles of CEDAW. Upon completion of the IGE analysis, the entity shall adopt a Departmental Action Plan that contains specific recommendations on how it will correct any identified deficiencies and integrate human rights principles and the local principles of CEDAW into the entity's operations.
      (1)   The Commission shall identify the City departments, programs, policies, and entities, to undergo the IGE analysis and shall develop timelines for completion of the analyses and Departmental Action Plans.
      (2)   The Commission shall train the selected department, entity, policy or program staff to conduct its IGE analysis and provide technical assistance to the entity throughout the IGE analysis process and development of the Departmental Action Plan, as well as monitoring and evaluation of implementation.
      (3)   Each department or entity undergoing an IGE analysis shall designate a management and/or executive level employee to serve as a liaison to the Commission and to coordinate the completion of the intersectional gender equity analysis.
      (4)   Each department or entity undergoing an IGE analysis shall provide a report on its IGE analysis and its Departmental Action Plan to the Commission, which shall review, analyze, and comment on the report and forward it to the Mayor and City Council.
      (5)   The Commission shall oversee the implementation of each department or entity's Departmental Action Plan, including but not limited to, overseeing the training of the selected departments, entities, and policy or program staff.
      (6)   The Gender Equity Manager shall monitor the implementation of each department or entity's Departmental Action Plan on a quarterly basis, or as determined by the Commission in discussion with the Mayor's office and City Council, but at least yearly.
   (c)   Five-year City-Wide Action Plan. The Commission shall develop a five-year City-wide Action Plan. The City-wide Action Plan shall address how to integrate human rights principles into the City's overall operations, how to further implement the local principles of CEDAW, any and all deficiencies found in the IGE analyses, and the measures recommended to correct those deficiencies. The Commission shall present the City-wide Action Plan to the Mayor and City Council. The Gender Equity Manager shall monitor the implementation of the City-wide Action Plan.
(Ord. 95-22. Passed 3-15-22.)