184.03. Local principles of CEDAW.
   It shall be the goal of the City to implement the principles of CEDAW by addressing discrimination against women and girls in areas including employment opportunities, economic development, political representation, education, and health care. The City also aims to address the critical problem of violence against women and girls. Additionally, the City recognizes the connection between race, economic status, immigration, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and discrimination against women and girls.
   (a)   The City shall take all measures to eliminate discrimination against women and girls in employment and economic opportunities, including, but not limited to, the right to equal employment opportunities, benefits, remuneration, and working conditions.
   (b)   The City shall take all measures to prevent and redress sexual and domestic violence against women and girls, including, but not limited to, enforcement of criminal penalties and civil remedies, providing protective and support services for survivors, providing gender-sensitive training to City employees, and providing rehabilitation programs for perpetrators of violence against women or girls.
   (c)   The City shall take all measures to protect women and girls from sexual harassment in their places of employment, school, public transportation, or any other place.
   (d)   The City shall diligently investigate violent attacks against, and the trafficking of, women and girls in sex work, and establish the level of coercion involved.
   (e)   The City shall take all measures to eliminate discrimination against women and girls in the field of health care to ensure adequate health care facilities and services, including prenatal care, delivery, and post-natal care, regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, language, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disability.
(Ord. 95-22. Passed 3-15-22.)