Registration to allow a donation container to be placed on any property shall be issued by the Director of Neighborhoods provided the following conditions have been satisfied.
1. The person or entity placing or maintaining the donation container is registered to operate in the State of Ohio as a nonprofit corporation.
2. The application must include the signature of the applicant in addition to the signature of the property owner.
3. The permit holder shall be held responsible for the collection of the contents of the donation container in order to prevent overflow.
4. The visual/structural integrity and cleanliness of the donation container must be maintained continuously.
5. The placement of the donation container shall not impede traffic or visually impair any motor vehicle operation within a parking lot, driveway or street.
6. The donation container shall not be located in a front yard, access easement, drainage easement, floodplain, driveway utility easement, right of way or fire lane.
7. A minimum of one (1) stacking or parking space per donation container shall be required on site.
8. Occupation of any parking spaces by the donation container shall not reduce any required parking spaces for the principal use on a lot.
9. The donation container owner or the entity maintaining the container shall display current contact information of both the owner of the donation container and the owner of the property on which the container is located; such information shall include street address and telephone number on the donation container. This information must be clearly visible to the public. TMC Code sections regarding illegal dumping must also be posted on the container.
10. The donation container may only be used as a collection container for items specified. All donation materials must fit into and be placed inside the donation container. The collection or storage of items outside the bin is strictly prohibited and will be considered to be illegal dumping under Toledo Municipal Code § 1726.01 and Ch. 963.
11. The donation container shall be located at least 200 feet away from any residential dwelling.
12. The maximum number of donation containers allowed for each property shall not exceed one (1) and the size of each donation container shall not exceed four (4) cubic yards.
13. The property on which the donation container is located must be zoned CN, CO, CM, CR, CD, IL or IG.
14. The donation container must be designed with a safety designed pull down door that when open allows for limited access.
(Ord. 475-15. Passed 11-10-15.)