The City recognizes that it is impossible to select by an examination process, persons who are fully competent when appointed to perform all duties to which they may be appointed. The employee shall be given all help possible to qualify during the employee's probationary period.
The City shall form a Joint Training Committee with appropriate representation from the Administration, Civil Service and the Union to cooperate and assist in the establishment of various training programs to assist City employees in qualifying for promotions to higher positions.
Based upon the above paragraph, the City shall establish training programs for all Local 20 employees to establish minimum requirements to become qualified to test for the following classifications:
(a) Tandem Truck Driver
(b) Refuse Truck Driver
(c) Water Reclamation Maintenance Worker
(d) Landfill Equipment Operator
Employees participating in these training programs will do so on a voluntary basis and without added compensation for time spent in training. Successful completion is only intended to qualify the employee to take the Civil Service examination for the classification, not as a substitute for minimum requirements for other purposes. Provided, however, those who successfully complete the training program and pass the Civil Service Exam will be deemed qualified for purposes of layoff and recall under Section 2121.47 (Layoff Procedure) and 2121.48 (Recall Procedure). There shall be a limit on the number of employees deemed qualified in this manner who can fill vacancies and bump into Maintenance Worker positions of 20% of the total maintenance worker positions at the time.
These training programs shall be established by mutual agreement between the parties to this agreement and shall test primarily for actual job performance.
Programs for Refuse Truck Driver, Water Reclamation Maintenance Worker, and Tandem Truck Driver shall only occur before future Civil Service tests for those classifications.