In recognition that the current solid waste incentives are outmoded and obsolete, those incentives will be discontinued. In the interest of fairness, and in order to further the public interest in performance-based and measurable incentives, the City will enact:
Provided that each MSW driver and bulk driver completes their route as designed in an 8.0 hour work day, each will receive $.03 x 740 (equaling $22.20 per day). Provided that each recycle driver completes their route as designed in an 8.0 hour work day, each will receive $.03 x 1111 (equaling $33.33 per day). New hires and transfers from other bargaining units on or after the date of contract implementation will not receive these incentives.
All drivers will receive the appropriate incentives described above for up to six (6) months from the date of contract implementation, by which time the City of Toledo will adjust routes. In the event the route adjustment is not complete by that time, the incentives will continue until the routes are adjusted. Upon route adjustment, incentives will continue to be paid, provided that the employees complete their assigned routes within the 8.0 hour work day. New hires and transfers from other bargaining units on or after the date of implementation of this contract will not receive these incentives.
Mechanic failure, acts of God, or other factors beyond the driver's reasonable control will not preclude driver's receipt of the incentive.
To maintain wage parity for each collector, dispatcher, clerk, intermediate clerk, senior clerk, landfill equipment operator and tandem driver, the city will pay $8.06 per day for persons currently in these classifications. New hires and transfers from other bargaining units will not receive this incentive.
A $260 "accident avoidance" incentive to be paid each quarter to each MSW driver, bulk driver, and recycle driver who does not cause or is otherwise not responsible for any accident or damage to city property or other public or private property during that quarter. New hires and transfers from other bargaining units will not receive this incentive.
Disputes under this provision shall be resolved through the grievance procedure.