204.01 Cross-Connection Control & General Policy
   A.   The general policy of the Department is:
      1.   To protect the public Potable Water supply from Contamination or pollution by isolating within the Consumer Water System contaminants or pollutants which could Backflow through the Service Connection into the public potable water system.
      2.   To promote the elimination or control of existing Cross-Connection, actual or potential, between the public or Consumer's potable water system and non-potable water systems, plumbing fixtures and sources or systems containing Process Fluids.
      3.   To provide for the maintenance of a continuing program of Cross-Connection control which will systematically and effectively prevent the Contamination or pollution of the public and Consumer's potable water system.
   B.   Application. These Rules and Regulations shall apply to all Premises served by the City's public potable water system.
   C.   Policy. The Water Purveyor shall be responsible for the protection of the public water supply system from Contamination due to back-pressure or back-siphonage of contaminants through the Customer's water Service Connection. If, in the judgment of the Water Purveyor, an approved Backflow Prevention Device is necessary for the safety of the public water supply system, the Water Purveyor will give notice to the Consumer for installation of such approved Backflow Prevention Device at each Service Connection to the Premises. The water Consumer shall immediately install such approved assembly or method at his own expense. Failure, refusal or inability on the part of the Consumer to install such assembly or assemblies immediately shall constitute grounds for discontinuing water service to the Premises until such assembly or assemblies have been installed and tested per this regulation.
   D.   The use of the approved Backflow Prevention Device at the water Service Connection does not affect or eliminate the need for individual fixture devices or air-gaps, as required by local regulatory agencies.
204.02 Water System
   A.   The water system shall be considered as made up of two parts: the public potable water system and the Consumer Water System.
   B.   The public potable water system shall consist of the source facilities and the distribution system, and shall include all those facilities of the potable water system under the control of the Water Purveyor up to the point where the Consumer Water System begins.
   C.   The source shall include all components of the facilities used in the production, treatment, storage and delivery of water to the public distribution system.
   D.   The public distribution system shall include the network of conduits used for delivery of water from the source to the Consumer Water System.
   E.   The Consumer Water System shall include those parts of the facilities beyond the Service Connection which are used in conveying water from the public distribution system to points of use.