2105.100 Travel Allowance
   (a)   All City employees who are requested to use their private motor vehicles on City business shall be compensated at the rate per mile which may be deducted from the employee's Federal Income Tax without having to itemize specific expenditures as established by the Internal Revenue Service letter. When an employee has had a City car assigned then they shall not have the City car reassigned and be requested to use their personal car on City business for periods of less than one week.
   (b)   No City employee shall be required to use his private motor vehicle for City business unless that requirement was a condition of original appointment. The determination as to which positions are furnished a City owned motor vehicle may be made by the Mayor except assignment under these conditions shall be according to seniority (example - most senior employee has the choice as to whether he wants to be assigned a motor vehicle or be put on the allowance or provided a pool car). In the event the employee has had a City owned motor vehicle and it is taken away, the employee may either receive the mileage allowance for use of his vehicle as provided herein, or the employee shall be furnished a pool car. In no case can a City owned vehicle be reassigned to a more senior employee than the employee from which it was taken unless agreed to by the senior employee. The Mayor shall promulgate regulations covering the use of private vehicles on City business that are not in conflict with the provisions contained herein.
   (c)   Forms shall be provided for the adequate reporting of mileage under this section and must be prepared by the employee and submitted monthly.
   (d)    All municipal employees permanently employed at the Low Pressure Pumping Station shall be paid transportation allowance to and from their place of employment at the rate per mile which may be deducted from the employee's Federal Income Tax without having to itemize specific expenditures as established by Internal Revenue Service letter per mile traveled each day in excess of ten (10) miles each day. Mileage shall be measured from the employee's place of residence to his place of employment by way of the shortest possible route. Transportation allowance shall be paid only for days worked and shall be paid monthly upon presentation of vouchers thereof. The daily mileage for which an employee shall be paid shall in no event exceed the following:
   Low pressure pumping station   19 miles
   (e)    In the event the employee is recalled to work he shall be entitled to the allowance for each time he is required to report to work on any day.