1769.02. Tenants' Notification of Sheriff Sale.
   No later than seven (7) days prior to the scheduled date of a sheriff sale of the premise in which the tenant resides, an owner, landlord or vendor of a premise that is the subject to the sheriff sale and the plaintiff of the foreclosure action shall disclose, in writing, to all tenants and vendees of the premises that a sheriff sale will be held on the premise in which they reside.
   Before a tenant initially enters into a rental agreement for a dwelling unit, the owner or landlord shall also disclose, in writing, that the subject property is scheduled for sheriff sale.
   Before a vendee initially enters into a land installment contract for a dwelling unit of a premise that is the subject to a sheriff sale, the vendor of a premise that is the subject to a foreclosure action or a sheriff sale shall also disclose, in writing, that the subject property is scheduled for sheriff sale.
   The written disclosure shall identify the court in which the foreclosure action is pending, the case name, the case number, the plaintiff, the plaintiff's attorney, the plaintiff's attorney contact information, the scheduled date, time and location of the sheriff sale, and the minimum bid and shall include the following language:
"This is not a notice to vacate the premise. This notice does not mean ownership of the building has changed. All tenants are still responsible for payment of rent and other obligations under the rental agreement. The owner or landlord is still responsible for their obligations under the rental agreement. You shall receive additional notice if there is a change in owner."
(Ord. 243-09. Passed 5-12-09.)