2125.50 Hours of Work Schedules
   Except for emergency situations, the following shall be the established work schedule for the member of the Bargaining Unit working in the various Sections and Bureaus of the Department of Fire & Rescue Operations.
   (a)   Fire Fighting Platoons: The work week for Fire Fighting Platoons shall continue to be the established schedule of twenty four (24) hours on duty followed by forty eight (48) hours off duty for an annual average of forty eight (48) hours per week.
   (b)   Fire Prevention, Emergency Medical Service, and Maintenance Bureau: The work day shall be the employee's regular scheduled hours of work with a fixed starting and quitting time, and shall consist of consecutive work hours, except as broken for break periods and the lunch periods. Employees in the Fire Prevention Bureau shall not take an established break for lunch.
   The employees' work week shall consist of forty (40) hours as determined and scheduled by the Chief of the Department of Fire & Rescue Operations.
   (c)   Training and Other Bureaus: The work day shall be the employee's regularly scheduled hours of work with a fixed starting and quitting time, and shall consist of consecutive work hours, except as broken for break periods and the lunch periods.
   (d)   Dispatch Office: the dispatch shift supervisors (lieutenants and captains) shall work a 40 hour week that allows supervising of civilian personnel 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
   Starting and quitting times of the Fire Fighting Platoons, Bureaus and Offices shall remain as presently scheduled, unless operational procedures necessitate a change. Proposed changes will be made by the Chief subject to appeal as provided in Section 2125.49.