(A) The City shall provide all required uniform clothing and equipment and all repair and replacement thereof as needed. A supply of safety clothing and equipment shall be maintained by the Fire & Rescue Operations Department and shall be available for replacement needs within four (4) hours. Such items and quality thereof may be the subject of recommendations by the Fire & Rescue Operations Department Employees' Safety Committee.
Personally used uniform clothing and equipment shall upon service or disability retirement or death become the property of the employee or his estate.
Used items shall not be issued to Fire & Rescue Operations Department personnel who have completed their training period. Used items may be issued to personnel during the ninety (90) calendar day training period, provided they have been thoroughly sanitized.
Uniform clothing shall be provided for use in all weather conditions normal for the Toledo area and adequate for such use in proceeding to, during, and from duty assignments.
The following is a list of clothing that shall be provided by the City.
2 belts
1 dress cap
1 dress white shirt
1 fatigue jacket
4 fatigue pants/shorts
4 long sleeve shirts
4 short sleeve shirts
2 neckties
1 pair of fire boots
1 fire coat with liner
1 foul weather cap
1 pair bunker pants
2 pair of gloves or 1 pair of gloves and 1 pair of mittens (at the member's option)
1 helmet complete
1 pair shorts
2 hoods
The combined number of short-sleeve fatigue shirts and polo shirts will total four (4) and the combined number of long-sleeve fatigue shirts and polo shirts will total four (4). The combined number of fatigue pants and fatigue shorts will total four (4). All members will have two (2) pair of fatigue pants and at least one long-sleeve fatigue shirt and one short-sleeve fatigue shirt available to be worn with ties, at the appropriate times. Shorts shall be provided as fatigue pants need replacing.
Shorts may be worn between Memorial Day and Labor Day, also when determined by the Deputy Chief of Operations to be appropriate.
Dress uniforms will be provided as funds become available within the life of this agreement.
(B) Undergarment liners shall be provided for all members of the dive team, and kept in sufficient quantity as determined by the Department Dive Master Trainer.
(Ord. 594-06. Passed 8-22-06.)