In the interest of promoting a cooperative, participatory work environment, the City and the Union agree to meet bi-monthly to discuss issues of mutual interest. The meetings shall be held during the workday at a time and location of mutual agreement. The meetings shall be held on the first Monday of every other month, unless rescheduled by mutual agreement. Every effort shall be made to reschedule within that same month. Finally, the parties may schedule additional or special meetings by mutual agreement. The Union President and the Director of Human Resources shall prepare a meeting agenda prior to the meeting date. The Union shall be represented by the President, staff representative and two (2) other members identified by the President. The City shall be represented by the Director of Human Resources, one (1) Senior Employee Relations Specialist and two (2) representatives from the City's operating divisions.
The focus of the meetings will be to seek mutual resolutions of problems, to improve the work environment and to reduce the necessity to pursue grievances.