2115.125 Federally Funded Jobs
   (a)   The City agrees that when federal money is secured for federally funded programs, the Union shall be given notice that the position or positions are to be filled. City employees in the Bargaining Unit shall be given first opportunity to fill such positions within the federal guidelines established by the program before any new employees are hired, consistent with Section 2115.46, “Vacancies”.
   (b)   If a regular employee in the Bargaining Unit desires the position they shall be given the right to fill the position in accordance with Civil Service Procedures and the resultant job opening will then be filled with the new employee.
   (c)   All federally funded positions within the jurisdiction of this Bargaining Unit shall be in the Bargaining Unit and the Union shall have the right to represent the federally funded employee and collect dues from them in accordance with the provisions herein.