1796.01. Air permit fees.
   (a)   The fees for the examination, handling, inspection, review and storage of applications for an Environmental Protection Agency permit to operate, permit by rule, or registration for each air contaminant source within the jurisdiction of this Code shall be on an annual basis as follows:
      (1)   For fuel-burning equipment:
Input Capacity (in million BTUs per hour)
Annual fee
0 to 10
Above 10 to 100
Above 100 to 300
Above 300
      (2)   For incinerators:
Primary chamber volume (in cubic feet)
Annual fee
0 to 10   
Above 10 to 25
Above 25 to 100
Above 100
      (3)   For all processes:
Process Input Weight (in pounds per hour)
Annual fee
0 to 1,000
1,001 to 5,000   
5,001 to 10,000
Above 10,000
      (4)   For storage tanks
Capacity (in gallons)
Annual fee
0 to 10,000
10,001 to 40,000
40,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 1,000,000
Above 1,000,000
      (5)   For gasoline dispensing facilities that dispense more than 120,000 gallons per year from stationary storage tanks into motor vehicle gasoline tanks, the annual fee shall be forty dollars ($40.00).
   (b)   Exemptions.
      (1)   No fee imposed under this section may be charged the State or any political subdivision thereof, including educational facilities or medical facilities owned by the State or a political subdivision.
      (2)   No fee imposed under this section may be charged any person exempted from taxation by Ohio Revised Code 5709.01 to 5709.12.
(Ord. 525-07. Passed 8-7-07.)