1389.04. Special sign district.
   Merchants occupying sixty percent or more of the street frontage in feet of commercially zoned properties on both sides of the street and fifty percent or more of the owners or persons in the right of possession of such properties in any defined area may petition for the formation of a special sign district. This might be done for such reasons as to create an area with a particular ethnic atmosphere, to simulate a historic period, theatre or entertainment area or other similar purpose. A group of property owners or persons in the right of possession may be chosen by the merchants to represent them. The group shall not exceed ten members and shall comprise the governing body of the sign district. This body shall draw up the criteria for approval. Council shall instruct the Clerk to notify all owners or persons in the right of possession within the boundaries of such district ten days prior to the hearing, after which Council may approve the special sign district or may veto it. Such veto can only be effected by a three-quarters vote of Council. If the criteria for the special sign district are approved and becomes effective, the City shall publish them as regulations of a sign district in the same manner as a Code of the City.
   Special sign districts shall be established at the request of sixty percent of the merchants measured by property frontage. (See Figure 29 in Chapter 1387).
(1952 Code § 43-6-4)