1381.99. Penalty.
   Whoever violates or fails to comply with any provision of this Code or the owner or user of an unlawful sign or the owner of property upon which an unlawful sign is located shall for each and every violation or non-compliance be deemed guilty of a minor misdemeanor for a first offense for any second offense within any twelve month period, such persons or organizations shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor of the fourth degree.
   Every person concerned in the violation of or failure to comply with this Code, whether he directly commits the act or aids and abets the same, and whether present or absent, shall be proceeded against and held as a principal. Provided, however, that the owner of property on which an unlawful sign is located, who is not also the owner or user of the unlawful sign, shall be subject to such misdemeanor penalties only if demand for alteration of the unlawful sign shall have been mailed by registered mail, return receipt requested, to such owner and the demand has remained uncomplied with for more than thirty days.
(Ord. 697-04. Passed 10-5-04.)