1377.01. Statement of purpose.
   The purpose of this Title Nine-Sign Code is to establish standards for the fabrication, erection and use of signs, symbols, markings and/or advertising devices within the City. These standards are designed to protect and promote the public welfare, health and safety of persons within the community and to aid in the development and promotion of business and industry by providing sign regulations which encourage aesthetic creativity, effectiveness and flexibility in the design and use of such devices without creating detriment to the general public.
   This Code authorizes the use of signs provided they are:
   (a)   Compatible with their surroundings, pursuant to the objectives of proper design and zoning amenities;
   (b)   Designed, installed and maintained to meet the sign user's needs while at the same time promoting the amenable environment desired by the general public;
   (c)   Designed, constructed, installed and maintained in such a manner that they do not endanger public safety or traffic safety;
   (d)   Legible, readable and visible in the circumstances in which they are used;
   (e)   Respectful of the reasonable rights of other advertisers whose messages are displayed.
(1952 Code § 43-1-1)