(a) All centralized or standby installations shall be individually designed and approved by a registered, professional engineer licensed in the State and installations shall be by a bonded contractor. Some installations may require approval of the Toledo-Lucas County Plan Commission.
(b) LP-Gas Installations of Over 2,000 Gallons Water Capacity Aggregate.
(1) Submission of plans: A request shall be submitted to the Division of Building Inspection for such installations accompanied by four copies of the site plan drawn to scale of one inch to ten feet, showing the following:
A. Location of any present or proposed containers and equipment.
B. Property lines and distance from each installation.
C. All buildings and nature of their occupancy within a radius of 100 feet of the proposed installation.
D. Name of bonded contractor who will install the equipment.
E. All piping, including size, type, welded, screwed and fittings.
F. Fencing.
G. Piping and relief valve and vent.
(2) Requirements.
A. Unless the property is adequately fenced, a six-foot fence shall be required to manproof the installation. There shall be three strands of barbed wire at the top of the fence and gates with frangible locks installed as required by the Fire Prevention Bureau and Building Official.
B. Fire extinguishers shall be placed near the gates as required by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
C. All standby or centralized installations shall be located within 350 feet of a fire hydrant, supplied adequately, relative to the installation. This hydrant must not be located so close as to be unusable under fire conditions. The location and capacity of the hydrant is subject to approval of the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau.
D. "No smoking" signs shall be displayed as required by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
E. Tank area to fence shall be clearly defoliated by stones, concrete or chemicals.
F. Name and telephone number of responsible persons shall be provided.
G. All emergency shut-offs shall be of the quick-closing type approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau.
(c) LP-Gas Installations of Less Than 2,001 Gallons Water Capacity. A request for a permit shall be made in writing to the Division of Building Inspection, with two sets of drawings or plans to accompany such a request for 501 to 2,000 gallon installations to the scale of one inch to ten feet, showing the following:
(1) Location of containers in relation to all buildings within 100 feet radius.
(2) Distance of property lines from the installation.
(3) Size and number of containers.
(4) Name, address and telephone number of the business or person for which installation is being made.
(5) Name of installer.
(6) All piping including size, type, welded, screwed or flared and fittings.
(7) Fencing.
(Ord. 682-91. Passed 9-3-91.)