(a) Residential. One, two and three-family dwellings shall be constructed, altered or repaired in accordance with the requirements of the most current edition of the Residential Code of Ohio (RCO) For One, Two and Three Family Dwellings adopted by the State of Ohio and as otherwise provided under this Part Thirteen, including such revisions and amendments as adopted by the State of Ohio Board of Building Standards.
(b) Commercial and Residential Structures greater than three dwelling units. Buildings whose occupancy is other than noted in subsection (a) above shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the most current edition of the Ohio Building Code (OBC) adopted by the State of Ohio, including such revisions and amendments as adopted by the State of Ohio Board of Building Standards.
(c) In the event of conflict between the administrative provisions (Article 1) of the Ohio Building Code or the entire Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two and Three Family Dwellings and this Part Thirteen-Building Code, the provisions of the Ohio Building Code or the Residential Code of Ohio shall control.
(d) The most current edition of the following codes, adopted by the State of Ohio, including such revisions and amendments as adopted by the State of Ohio Board of Building Standards is adopted by the City of Toledo and shall be in force for all residential and commercial structures:
(1) Ohio Building Code,
(2) Residential Code of Ohio for One Two, and Three Family Dwellings,
(3) Ohio Plumbing Code,
(4) Ohio Mechanical Code,
(5) Ohio Boiler Code,
(6) Ohio Elevator Code,
(7) International Energy Codes or ASHRAE 90.1
(8) Ohio Building Code Accessibility Guidelines and ADAAG.
(9) National Electrical Code,
(10) Ohio Fire Prevention Code,
(e) The City of Toledo also adopts the most current edition of the following codes, including such revisions and amendments, for all residential and commercial structures:
(11) International Property Maintenance Code,
(12) International Fire Code,
(13) City of Toledo Fire Prevention Code found in the Toledo Municipal Code, Part 15.
(Ord. 120-15. Passed 3-31-15.)