1301.02. Administration and enforcement; scope.
   (a)   This Part Thirteen-Building Code shall be administered and enforced by Building Inspection, a division in the City's Department of Economic and Business Development, and as provided by Chapter 1303. The Division of Building Inspection shall be a state-certified building inspection department as defined by the Ohio Board of Building Standards through its Ohio Building Code. The Director of the Department of Economic and Business Development and the Commissioner of Building Inspection shall direct, supervise and manage all administrative and fiscal operations and matters relating to this Part Thirteen-Building Code as well as those other sections of the Municipal Code identified as Housing Code, Nuisance Abatement, Property Maintenance and Vacant Properties. The Chief Building Official shall be responsible for enforcing the most current editions of the Ohio Building Code, the Residential Code of Ohio, and the associated mechanical and electrical codes adopted by the State of Ohio through the State's Board of Building Standards, and as adopted by this Municipal Code as referenced authorities. In all matters of building code compliance and building code enforcement, the Chief Building Official shall be the City's final authority.
   (b)   This Part Thirteen-Building Code presumptively provides for matters concerning, affecting or relating to the construction, alteration, repairs, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings or structures, erected or to be erected in the City, except insofar as such matters are otherwise provided for in the City Charter, in other statutes or ordinances, or in rules duly promulgated under the provisions of this Part Thirteen-Building Code.
(Ord. 120-15. Passed 3-31-15.)