1108.0104 Building Permits and Certificates of Use and Occupancy.
   A.   Building Permits. Where landscaping is required, no building permit will be approved until the required landscaping plan has been submitted, approved, and bonded or otherwise assured.
   B.   Certificates of Use and Occupancy. All required trees, plants, groundcover, screening materials landscape material and irrigation improvements must be in place prior to issuance of the final Certificate of Use and Occupancy unless an extension is approved by the Planning Director secured either by the execution of a deferred completion agreement, the posting of full cash bond, or the posting of an irrevocable letter of credit from a banking institution with offices in Lucas County as a financial security. In no case must such a deferred completion agreement be extended for a period exceeding 180 days.
      1.   If landscape and screening has not been installed in compliance with the applicable standards of this Chapter within 180 days, the Commissioner of Building Inspection shall authorize use of the funds or financial security to acquire and install required landscaping and screening.
(Ord. 510-21. Passed 9-28-21.)
      2.    When landscaping and screening has been installed in compliance with the applicable standards of this chapter, the funds or financial security shall be returned to the developer or approved developer-authorized beneficiary.