945.11 Restoration of the right of way, public property and landscape.
   (a)   Promptly after completing any work in or affecting any right of way or public property, a permit holder or any person acting on its behalf shall, at its own expense, restore the right of way or public property to its condition before the commencement of work in accordance with applicable City regulations. The permit holder shall restore as nearly as may be practicable all trees, landscaping and grounds to their condition prior to the performance of the work. If weather or other conditions outside the control of the permit holder do not permit the prompt and complete restoration of the right of way or public property, the permit holder shall first temporarily restore the affected property at its own expense. The permit holder shall then promptly undertake and complete the required permanent restoration when the weather or other conditions no longer prevent such permanent restoration.
   (b)   When warranted by existing conditions, the applicable permit holder shall, at its own expense, cause the trees and vegetation growing upon or overhanging any of the public right of way where its facilities are erected to be trimmed in such a manner that there shall be a proper clearance between the nearest wires or equipment and any portion of the trees or vegetation. Said trees and vegetation shall be trimmed so that no branches, twigs or leaves come in contact with or in any way interfere with the facilities, and all debris shall be removed from the site. The permit holder shall exercise reasonable care to avoid unnecessary destruction of or serious harm to trees and vegetation. The permit holder shall notify the City no less than seven days before it plans to perform such work except in emergency situations.
(Ord. 375-02. Passed 10-8-02.)