(A)   The representation, both as to the number of members and the qualification of members of the Area Plan Commission of Tippecanoe County, pursuant to I.C. 36-7-4-211, is fixed at a total of 17 members to be determined as follows:
      (1)   Two representatives who shall be members of the Tippecanoe County Board of Commissioners, and who shall be chosen by the Board of Commissioners and whose term shall be fixed by the Board, but shall not exceed their term as such Commissioner.
      (2)   Two representatives who shall be members of the County Council, and who shall be chosen by the County Council and whose term shall be fixed by the Council, but shall not exceed his term on the Council.
      (3)   A representative who shall be an elected official who shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Lafayette, Indiana, and whose term shall correspond to his office as such elected official.
      (4)   One representative who shall be a member of the City Council of the City of Lafayette, Indiana, and who shall be chosen by the City Council, and whose term shall be fixed by the Council, but shall not exceed his term on the Council.
      (5)   A representative who shall be an elected official, who shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of West Lafayette, and whose term shall correspond to his office as such elected official.
      (6)   One representative who shall be a member of the City Council of the City of West Lafayette, and who shall be chosen by such City Council and whose term shall be fixed by such Council, but shall not exceed such Council member’s term on such Council.
      (7)   One representative who shall be a member of the Town Board of the Town of Battle Ground, Indiana, and who shall be chosen by such Town Board, and whose term shall be fixed by such Town Board, but shall not exceed his term on the Town Board.
      (8)   One representative who shall be a member of the Town Council of the Town of Clarks Hill, Indiana, and who shall be chosen by such Town Council, but shall not exceed his or her term on such Town Council.
      (9)   One representative who shall be a member of the Town Board of the Town of Dayton, Indiana, and who shall be chosen by such Town Board, and whose term shall be fixed by such Town Board, but shall not exceed his term on such Town Board.
      (10)   Two representatives who shall be citizen members holding no other elected or appointed municipal, county or state office, who shall be appointed by the County Board of Commissioners for a term of two years.
      (11)   Two representatives who shall be a citizen member holding no other elected or appointed municipal, county or state office who shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of West Lafayette, Indiana, for a term of two years.
      (12)   Two representatives who shall be citizen members holding no other elected or appointed municipal, county or state office who shall be appointed by the Mayor of the City of Lafayette, Indiana, for a term of two years.
   (B)   In the event any city or town named herein is not, on the effective date of this section, a participant by ordinance in the Area Plan Commission, or subsequently withdraws from participation, then the representative or representatives, be they Mayor, City Councilmember, Town Board member, or citizen appointment, shall not be entitled to membership on the Plan Commission and the total membership of the Commission shall be reduced thereby.
   (C)   In the event any governmental unit who has made an appointment to the Area Plan Commission of Tippecanoe County under this subchapter should amend this subchapter so as to eliminate or alter their particular representation on the Area Plan Commission, without the adoption of a similar ordinance by all other participating governmental units, the representation by such governmental unit shall terminate, and for failure to then be in compliance with I.C. 36-7-4-211(b), the membership of such governmental unit in the Area Plan Commission shall be considered terminated. Thereafter the Area Plan Commission shall provide no further services of any nature, including but not limited to services in zoning, subdivision, board of zoning appeal functions, hearing, recommendations, and enforcement to such governmental unit.
(‘82 Code, § 6-101-2) (Ord. 75-24, passed 11-3-75; Am. Ord. 76-1, passed 1-5-76; Am. Ord. 86-4-CM, passed 2-3-86; Am. Ord. 95-35-CM, passed 7-3-95; Am. Ord. 2015-24-CM, passed 11-2-15)