§ 96.19 PERMIT FEES.
   On the following page is a schedule of fees for uses of right-of-way and/or interference with normal use of county highways charged by the County Highway Department.
Residential driveway               $25.00
   Farm field entrance            $25.00
   Existing driveway            $20.00
   Parcelization driveway         $100.00
   Commercial driveway            $100.00
   Minor subdivision            $100.00
   Major subdivision/rural estate         $200.00
   Temporary driveway            $10.00
Road cuts
Gravel road
   12' width or any part thereof         $7.50 * foot depth * lane
          Minimum gravel road cut fee         $50.00
   Hard surface (including chip and seal)
   12' width or any part thereof         $15.00 * foot depth * lane
    Minimum gravel road cut fee      $100.00
Note: Per Commissioner's Policy, formally accepted January 17, 1994, “No hard surface roads (asphalt, concrete, chip and seal) should have open cuts, unless it is physically impossible to push or bore under the roadway and/or is economically a hardship.” Therefore, all open road cut applications shall be approved    by the Executive Director of the Highway Department. (For further clarification see Commissioner's Meeting Minutes from January 14, 1994.)
Plowing in cable            $30.00 or $0.05 per linear foot, whichever is greater
   To 24" top width         $0.25 per liner foot, with minimum fee of $30.00
   Over 24" top width         See Excavation below
Maximum depth * Maximum length *      $0.25 per square foot (based on 1:1 side slopes)
   Minimum fee               $30.00
   Perimeter               $30.00
Boring or pushing under roadway
Total cost per location (including bore pits)$30.00 per bore
Overwidth objects
   Other than listed below            $75.00
   Home transport
   Per mobile home               $20.00
          Per modular home section            $20.00
Pole line
Per mile                     $250.00 ($0.04 per linear foot for less than 1 mile)
   Minimum fee                  $30.00
Note: The symbol * indicates the use of multiplication.
(‘82 Code, §5-83-5) (Ord. 76-25, passed 8-1-76; Am. Ord. 80-25, passed 11-3-80; Am. Ord. 2002-40-CM, passed 11-4-02)