(A)   All motorized vehicles, bicycles and other traffic on any roadway within the fairgrounds or the parks shall observe all designated traffic signs at all times.
   (B)   No vehicle shall be parked at any time on any property of the fairgrounds or the parks except in the area designated for such parking.
   (C)   No motorized vehicle, bicycles, or other vehicles shall be operated in or parked in the fairgrounds or the parks outside of the hours in which they are open except with the prior written approval of the agency in charge of the property or their representative or when attending an event conducted upon the property with the prior written approval of the agency in charge of the property and/or their representative.
   (D)   No motorized vehicle, bicycles or other vehicles shall be operated or parked in any manner except as stated above in divisions (A) through (C) without the prior written approval of the agency in charge of the property on which such vehicle is being operated or parked.
(Ord. 2000-51-CM, passed 7-6-00) Penalty, see § 93.99