§ 31.102 MEMBERSHIP.
   The membership of the Information Technology Advisory Board shall consist of:
   (A)   Permanent voting members.
      (1)   County Commissioner President or designee;
      (2)   Two members of the County Council to be determined by vote of the Council;
      (3)   County Area Plan Director;
      (4)   County Assessor;
      (5)   County Auditor;
      (6)   County Clerk;
      (7)   County Surveyor; and
      (8)   Two members, who are not elected officials nor required to be employed by the county, to be recommended by the Board and appointed by the Board of Commissioners. These two members shall serve an indefinite term at the discretion of the Board of Commissioners and shall continue to serve until a successor is chosen.
   (B)   Ex-officio, non-voting permanent member(s):
      (1)   Chief Information Officer of the Department of Information Technology; and
      (2)   GIS Administrator.
   (C)   Members of the Board shall serve without compensation. Members may, however, with the approval of the Board, be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
(Ord. 2011-19-CM, passed 8-15-11; Am. Ord. 2018-13-CM, passed 5-7-18)