(A)   No person now or hereafter holding an unrevoked permit issued from the Health Officer pursuant to § 50.40 shall charge any user of a sanitary landfill any sum for disposal of garbage, rubbish, or refuse therein in excess of those maximum charges established pursuant to the provisions of this section.
   (B)   Whenever any person now or hereafter holding an unrevoked permit issued pursuant to § 50.40 desires to charge rates in excess of those then in effect such person shall file a verified petition with the Board of Commissioners requesting permission to do so which petition shall include the following information:
      (1)   Name and address of petitioner;
      (2)   Disposal site;
      (3)   Number and expiration of disposal site permit;
      (4)   Maximum rates then established for such disposal site;
      (5)   New maximum rates requested for such disposal site;
      (6)   Date maximum rates in effect were established;
      (7)   Level of the construction cost index published by the Engineering News Record on dates rates in effect were set;
      (8)   Level of construction cost index at most recent date of publication at time petition is filed;
      (9)   Reasons for requested increase;
      (10)   Signature of person seeking increase or an officer thereof.
   (C)   Whenever a petition is received by the Board of Commissioners pursuant to division (B) above, the Board of Commissioners shall hold a public hearing thereon within 15 days of the date of receipt thereof, and shall act thereon within 30 days of the date of receipt thereof.
   (D)   In no event shall the maximum rates authorized or established by the Board of Commissioners for the sanitary landfill be less than the rates currently in effect plus the percentage of increase in the level of the most recent construction cost index.
   (E)   In the event that the Board of Commissioners fail to set new rates within 30 days of the date of receipt of such verified petition, the rates petitioned for therein shall be, and remain, in effect until final action is taken by the Board of Commissioners on such petition.
   (F)   No petition to increase the maximum rates shall be filed pursuant to this section until the expiration of six months from the date of filing the last previous petition for a rate increase or decrease at such disposal site.
   (G)   Any person holding an unrevoked permit for a disposal site located in the county shall accept and process all garbage, rubbish and refuse presented to it for disposal by any person during normal business hours upon tender of payment of the maximum rates then established for such disposal site.
(Ord. 81-10, passed 6-1-81)